Chapter 1: A normal day?

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It's a very beautiful day in Adventure Bay, the sun is shining with clear skies and everyone is out of their house enjoying their day. This also includes the pups that are playing tag...well except for 1 pup that is just eating their breakfast slowly since something was on their mind.

Chase was eating his breakfast very slowly due to him thinking to himself, the pups never saw him like this but they think it was best for them to leave him alone..except for one pup that already have an idea on why Chase was acting this way. He was going to leave him alone like the rest but he couldn't do that do he would walk towards Chase and when he got in front of him, Chase would look up from his breakfast then he would smiled at the pup that was in front of him.

"Hey Zuma, you need something?" Chase asked as he slowly would notice and realize why Zuma was here due to his concerned look.

"Chase are you still thinking about..what happened years ago?" Zuma asked him as he lay down in front of chase, waiting for his Answer. Chase however didn't wanted to answer the question but he had to since Zuma knows what he went through. "Yeah I am" Chase confirmed Zuma's answer with a sigh as he know what Zuma is gonna say to him.

"Chase you do know that was years ago, there is no point remembering that" Zuma said as he moved Chase's breakfast to the side and look at him with a concern look still on his face. Chase wanted to look away and just ignore Zuma statement but he was right, what Chase & Zuma had to go through was years ago but here was Chase still thinking about it.

"I just...we left a lot of old friends behind and I feel guilty about that time we were just thinking about ourselves but not them, if we just told them about our plans then.." Chase was going to continue but he was cut off by Zuma.

"Yeah dude, you are right that we should've told them but we didn't had another time and you saw that they were ready to get us. Even if we told our friends they'll just take us all and.." Zuma didn't want to explain the rest but Chase knew what he was talking about so he nodded his head a bit.

Before chase was gonna say anything else he heard someone called his name and when he turned around it was Skye who called him, he would smile at her then stood up on all four paws along with Zuma. When Skye asked if Chase & Zuma wanted to play with her and the rest of the pups, Chase was going to decline but Zuma quickly said that both of them will be able to play with them and with Chase knowing Zuma he knew he wouldn't be able to get away from this so he just agreed to it.

After some hours playing outside the pups decided to go inside the lookout and watch the new episode of Apollo the super pup, Rubble was the one who was most excited to watch the new episode which made the pups laugh joyfully. After some more hours Ryder told the pups to go to sleep since it's almost past their bedtime but Ryder let them sleep inside the lookout so we went up the elevator to get them blankets, while he was getting the blankets the pups started to talk to each other. Chase. Zuma, Rocky and Marshall talked to each other about a random subject but Skye interrupted them by saying.

"Hey Chase, you okay now?" Skye asked as he sat right next to him with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I am..why you ask?" Chase asked in a curious tone as the rest of the pups just look at them.

"Well we saw you down this morning, it seemed like you wanted to be a alone for a while I wanted to talk to you but" Skye said & didn't finish her sentence as she moved her left paw around the bean bag slowly & gently due to embarrassment.

"Oh well thank you for your concern but I'm okay now" before he finish anything he would look at Zuma and smiled towards the chocolate Labrador "Zuma helped me out of it" he said as he look towards Skye with a smile.

"Oh what did you guys talk about?" Skye asked out of curiosity along with he other pups who would focus and pay attention to the answer Chase have to answer.

"Oh well..uhmm" Chase couldn't find an lie to come up with since he didn't wanted to tell them a truth, he would look at Zuma and Zuma could move his mouth around which Chase understand. "We just talked about-" Chase was going to lie until he heard their leader said.

"Hey pups!, I brought the blankets" Ryder said with a smile as he placed each of the blankets down on the pup. When he was finish he would say "goodnight pups"

"Goodnight Ryder!" The pups yelled out to Ryder as they were wagging their tails in happiness.

"So Chase, what were you going to say-" Skye was going to finish her sentence until he saw both Chase and Zuma fast asleep, she was going to shake Chase up but thought it's a good idea to ask either Chase or Zuma about what they talked about so she went to sleep as well by closing her eyes and laying her head down on her front paws.

The rest of the pups just look at Chase and Zuma with a curious look in their face but they got the same idea as Skye then lay their head on their pillow or paws, they would then drift to sleep. When all the pups including Ryder went to sleep, the lights in the lookout will automatically turned off with the lookout fill with sounds of snoring.

Somewhere Far Away..

"Have you found them yet" a shadowy figure said to the dog, the dog was wearing a full on black suit along with a black tie & white shirt.

"No...not yet sir." The dog said with his head down as his own sweat would come down his face.

The shadowy person would just look down at the dog then he would slowly grab a 8 ball that was on his table with his left hand. "So your telling me that you can't find two pups" the person said to the dog as he started to gently throw the 8 ball in the air while catching it, he would repeat this over and over again.

"Y-...yea sir." The dog said now scared that he possibly knows what's gonna happen next, he would close his left eye but left his right eye open.

The shadowy person would just take a few minutes before he throw the 8 ball towards the wall, making the ball go through the wall and left a ball shape hole in it. "YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES YOU TOLD ME THIS!" the person yelled out as he stood up then flipped his desk with his left hand.

The dog would now be full with fear as his legs were seen shaking as he felt like he couldn't stand no more, his head would still be down to not face his boss face.

"You know what I don't care no more..but if you fail again then you know what's gonna happen to you right" the person said as he got on one knee with his left hand on the other, he would leave his right hand on the floor beside the dog.

"Y-yes sir." The dog said as he was waiting for his boss to tell him to leave.

"Good..NOW GO?" The person yelled out as he stood up then pointed to his door to signal the dog to leave.

When his boss said that he would nod his head quickly then would speed walk out the room then out in the hall way.

The shadowy person sigh at this then sat back down in his chair, when he turned his chair around to look at the window he was near. He would rub his face with both of his hands then would say "very soon...I'll have you two back" the person said as he started chuckling under his breath then it would full on turn to a insane laugh which scared half the workers around his office.

To be continued...

𝙋𝙖𝙬 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 - 𝙈𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙬𝙖𝙧 (remade)Where stories live. Discover now