Chapter 23: Striking a Deal

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Birds were chirping as the sky slowly turn bright orange by the sun rising in the east. Of course, like always, Chase was the first to wake up. A yawn escape from his mouth as his ears twitch to the side a bit before rubbing his eyes with his left paw.

The german shepherd felt something on his side so when he turned, he saw Skye resting her head on his side. This cause him to smile and gently nuzzle her head. Chase felt something off so he quickly look around and didn't see Zuma.

This made him wonder where he was so before leaving, he gently move Skye's head and placed it on his sleeping bag before walking out the warehouse.

"Good morning Chase!"

He turn his head to see Wolf walking up to him with a bright smile on his face. Chase faced him and greeted him back with a smile as well.

"Hey uh, do you know where Zuma went?" Chase asked with his head slightly tilted.

"Oh yeah! He's over at that place with Leon and the rest. He woke us up so he could get permission and try to convince one of them." Wolf told him and pointed to the side with his head.

"Really? Then can you take me there too?" Chase asked to which he nodded.

Before they could walk to the place Wolf was talking back. Chase went back to tell Ryder about it who suddenly woke up. After that they went on their way down a path between the mountain the abandoned town is next to.

While walking down the path, Wolf decided to start up a conversation with Chase but doesn't know what he should talk about. It took him some time to think about it before opening his mouth.

"Oh yeah! There's something I should tell you!" Wolf mentioned.

"Huh? What is it?" Chase asked.

"I'm a huge fan of yours!"

Chase eyes widened and turned to see if he was being honest. Not seeing a laughing expression on his face and just a smile, it looks like Wolf is being serious about being Chase's fan.

"Oh- you're being for real? Why are you a huge fan of me?" Chase raised his eyebrow.

"Because Chase, you are awesome! I watch you and the paw patrol on the news sometime." Wolf smiles then remembered something.

"Oh! And let me say, your first mission in Adventure City. It was amazing! Like, I can't believe you are able to jump that far!"

Chase giggle at this and started talking with him, giving Wolf his full attention. They were talking the whole way there until they finally reach the place.

The German Shepherd, Chase, was shock to say the least. Seeing nothing but soldiers walking around or standing in their post in their base. He walk ahead of Wolf to see many vehicles parked in what somewhat looks like a garage.

Before he could walk any further, Wolf tapped him on his shoulder and ask Chase to follow up. After following Wolf to a open space with nothing but three sets of armed guards. When the pup look more ahead, he saw Leon and Zuma talking with someone.

Chase rushed over to them while Wolf just continued his walk. When he reach them, he saw three Golden Labrador sitting in front of the Chocolate Labrador, Zuma.

"Woah, you managed to convince them to join us already?" Chase asked him, wasn't expecting the team's captain and two other members to join.

"Oh! Good morning Chase! And yeah, it was actually Easy. Do you remember the pup we saved from their mission? Delta?" Zuma replied and asked.

"Oh yeah, I do. Why?" Chase asked.

"This is her, Midnight." Zuma smiled.

Chase tilted his head before walking next to Zuma and taking a closer look at her. When he did this, he realized it is Midnight; the pup they saved a long time ago.

"Oh! You are Midnight? I can't believe it! You climb all the up to being the captain of the Alpha team?"

"Yeah I thought the same thing. I knew she felt familiar when we last talk with them." Zuma looks at her and smiled again.

Midnight got flustered and turn away quick while trying to cover her face with her paw. Her brother and sister saw this, they slightly smiled at the sight of their older sibling blushing.

"So uh, what about the rest?" Chase mentioned, not seeing anyone else around them.

"Those are where the bad news come in. No matter how much Zuma tries to persuade them to join us, it doesn't work." Leon sighed and crossed his arms.

"That's where I come in, don't worry. I'll have them join us in no time." Chase smirked and walked in the tent.

Leon and Zuma watched as he does so while the two younger siblings teased the older one. Zuma looked back and cause them to giggle while Midnight still hid her face.

Chase look in front of him to see a large cage with the rest of Alpha team sitting or laying down in it. The shepherd sat in front of it and got everyone's attention.

Warren saw him and growled along with Max. Emily shush them up and stare directly at Chase with a blank face.

"Now what do you want? Are you trying to be like your sidekick and convince us?" Emily rolled her eyes.

"One, we're a team. Two, he manage to convince three of your members; one being the captain of this team." Chase boasted with a smile on his face.

"Shut up! You don't need to tease us about it!" Warren yelled.

"But I'm being honest? Also, Zuma and I would've already broke out of this cage." Chase sat in front of them.

"Be quiet! Why are you here anyway? Just to bully us!" Zelda yelled and growled as well.

"Actually no I'm not. I'm here to talk about a deal."

The team gasped as they heard this. Leon and Wolf gasped as well then tried to go in the tent but Zuma step in front of them.

"You should trust us more, dude." Zuma told them with a normal look on his face.

Leon was going to argue but Wolf stopped him before he could and calm him down. The team were confuse about why Chase would want to make a deal with them.

"What do you mean make a deal? What are you trying to imply.." Warden spoke up.

"Like, if me and Zuma beat you all in a fight. You have no choice but to join us. If you guys win, we'll happily surrender." Chase announced to them.

They were shock to hear this. Not believing what he said but looking at his eyes, it tells them he is being serious. All of them turn to each other and begin whispering to discuss it.

It took them a while but they came to a agreement and turn their heads to face Chase again who was watching them. Emily open her mouth and say.

"Under one condition,YOU fight us by yourself." Emily smirked.

"Hmm sounds fun. Okay, I accept."

Emily flinched by this, he didn't even hesitate in his answer and before Max can say anything. He was interrupted by Chase who said.

"But since you decided to burn down Adventure Bay, a peaceful town. I won't hold back." He growled as his eyes glow blue.

Warren, Zelda, and Max smirked at this while the rest were a bit hesitant. A pup fighting a team of 8 members. Chase look behind him to see Leon walking in with a key.

"Oh, I thought I had to convince you but I guess you were listening?"

"Yes I was...I have to say, you are full of surprises." Leon walked over to the cage and put the key in the keyhole then turns it.

He opened the cage for them and the first to walk out is Warden, later with the rest walking out. The tent was remove above them and they were hit by sudden sunlight which cause them to close their eyes.

"So...who wants to go first?"

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