Chapter 40: Adventure City Mission, Getting rid of the biggest threat (pt.3)

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A lot has happened from yesterday. One of their toughest pup, Emily, is taking a break from their mission due to a huge shock of fear she received from the strange man.   Hopefully she will recover from this shock and come back to the mission, with the rest of the team they started their new task.   Zuma and Max were given a list of five businesspeople who were involved with the warehouse business by funding them. They went on their search to gather up evidence on them so they could be arrested.

After the pups, Maggie and Wolf, discuss what they should do. They decided to split their work in half and having the other work on the task that best suits them — Wolf, tracking the man and Brody including other people for Zuma and Max. Maggie, keeping track of others and taking notes on the guards from inside the warehouse thanks to Emily — which was faster for them.

And lastly, Chase. Nobody knows where he went apart from Ryder since Chase's collar has a tracker in it so the leader could keep up with him. Chase basically gave himself missions to do and he only has three and one of them are taking out a threat that might cause a huge problem for the team. The threat is the man Emily encountered, they cannot underestimate him and if he is that strong then he needed to be taken care of — and fast.

On the highways of Adventure City. Chase was speeding through it in his invisible vehicle while dodging the incoming cars, making sure he doesn't hit a single one. Thanks to Maggie and Wolf, he was able to find out where that man is currently staying at with the resources they've found. Chase went through the exit lane of the highway and drove along the street with lesser cars which kinda surprised him.

The pup kept driving down the road until he stumbled upon an open field with some houses apart from each other. Still the pup kept driving his vehicle till he heard loud beeping coming out of his dashboard, Chase looked around; checking his surroundings. Until he saw a large building than the houses he passed by, this alone grew his suspicions more and seeing an open lane leading to that building, he took that turn and drove off in high speed.

Five minutes passed by and Chase parked his vehicle a couple of yards away from the building.   On further inspection on the building, he saw how it has five floors with brick and metal walls including the roof.   The building's height 300 feet and the size is 90 in length and 70 in width. After inspecting the building the pup sprinted over to it and when getting close to it, he managed to do a mighty jump.   All four of his paws touch the cold wall and with the swiftness and quickness. He ran up the wall and before he could give out, his front paws reached out to grab the stone edge then Chase managed to pull himself up and fully got on the edge. He looked around and noticed he's on the second floor of the building.

   "Now where is he hiding..." the pup asked himself and calmly walked along the edge.

The pup stop next to the window and got down, his stomach and chest touching the stone edge before he peaked in through the window.   When he made sure the coast was clear, he tried to open the window and to his luck it was open.   The pup gently push the window up, causing it to go up, and scanned the area once more before hoping inside through the window.   He landed on the floor as quietly as possible but a loud creak escaped from the wooden floor.

The pup stopped in his tracks, wasn't expecting to floor to not only be wood but to be an old wooden floor too.   Chase ears twitch as he heard a couple of footsteps.   Making the pup panic and look around the area before diving off to a corner.

"I swear I heard a noise down here." A person wearing a black jumpsuit with a hoodie and a black mask with nothing on it told the other person as he shined his flashlight around.

The woman scoffed at the man. "Are you off your meds again?" She asked him. "You know you tend to hear stuff when you're not taking your medicine." She added on to remind him.

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