Chapter 22: New Location Pt. 2

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"Hello, paw patrol. I've been keeping a close eye on you."

Ryder and the pups jumped when he finish speaking. Keeping a close eye on them? What does he mean by that? Was he spying on them without them noticing?

Zuma was surprise to hear this, even Chase since he never felt anyone spying on them apart from the bad guys.

"I know it might be a shock to you, but I had to be certain if you were who you say you are."

"So you thought we were bad guys under disguise?" Rubble asked with a raise eyebrow.

"Yes, we all have to be careful now don't we?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Dude, who are you?" Zuma asked after Rubble.

"What you heard from Leon, I am his commander along with everyone else you see here. Including someone else that's watching over Mayor Goodway as we speak."

They were in awe of what they just heard. Chase slightly and quietly growled at this, after hearing that. Chase thought he was lacking if he didn't knew this.

"Now let's get to business. My name is Edward Herbert, I only wish to have talk with you so we can stop the organization from hurting you." Edward sudden smile went away in a instant.

"By organization, do you mean..."

"The Secret Society of Workers, or the T.S.S.W for short." Leon added to what Ryder was going to say.

"Which is why I hope Chase and Zuma can help us with this. Only if they cooperate with the us." Edward turn his head to look at them.

Zuma's eyes darted away from the screen apart from Chase who didn't even move yet. The shepherd doesn't know if he can trust Edward, this is their first time meeting and the first impression he gave us was already not trusting.

So he already thought of two choices. One, he could trust Edward and maybe get backstabbed by them; leading them to get captured by the people they were running from. Or two, help them and possibly have a chance to stop them once and for all.

Chase close his eyes to give it more thought about it. Zuma turned his head slight to the left and saw him with his eyes close. Edward notice this and sigh before opening his mouth to speak.

"My apologies, I shouldn't had talk to you like that. It won't happen again." Edward cough a few times before looking back at them.

"So, did you only call for us just for Chase and Zuma?" Skye asked.

"Yes..but no. I wanted to ask all of you a serious question. Would you all, the paw patrol, like to join our cause to stop the T.S.S.W."

Mr. Porter place down a box on a nearby table, he wipe a few sweat away from his forehead and turn to see other people helping him set up tables.

A man place three mini ovens on another table next to a power generator one of the soldiers let them use. Mr. Porter walk over to the man, thanked him, then plugged them up by himself.

"Alex! Can you go get utensils I brought?" He asked his grandchild.

Alex nodded and ran off to his grandpa's van to get them. He ran past the paw patrol who just finish talking with Leon and Edward, walking in the warehouse and saw some tables set up.

"Hello Mr. Porter, what are you doing?" Ryder ask as he look at what's on the table while walking over to Mr. Porter.

"Oh! Hello Ryder! Well, I'm just setting up a area to make some delicious

The pups walk to where Everest, Tracker, Tuck and Ella, Rex, Wild and his pack, Liberty, Al, and Coral was. All of them turned to see them and smiled, the six smile back and sat down with the rest.

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