Chapter 32: Mission Completed

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The pups got in their black military transport truck with Maggie who was waiting for them when they completed the mission. That was one hour ago and now they are riding on the dusty road again, Chase and Zuma are resting themselves while the rest just sit down and not say anything apart from Everest and Skye.

Chase yawned and watched the girls talk to themselves. He is next to them so Chase didn't have to move to sit next to them, Chase laid his head on Skye which made her blush but Warden got jealous when she saw this. Her twin brother, Warren, noticed her expression and wonder what she was upset about; turning his attention to the two pups and that immediately made him understand what's wrong.

"Hey Chase, Leon thanked you and the pups for doing this mission with us. I'm kinda surprise you wanted to help." Maggie smiled and rub the back of her head.

"It's no problem, we're just doing what we need to do. U' how the paw patrol usually do." Chase replied with a smile.

"Yeah and wait, do I remember you from somewhere?" Zuma asked, causing Maggie to giggle.

"I was one of the helpers who assist you in the festival, you remember that?" Maggie answered.

" that I think about it. Yeah! I do remember a pup saying her name is Maggie." Zuma remembered.

"That's me! I'm glad you remember, also don't worry. You guys won't be sent on anymore missions until you are advised to by Leon or Ryder." Maggie mentioned to them while going to the front of the truck.

"Okay Maggie thanks for telling us!" Skye thanked the pup.

"Huh, I guess they were really watching a lot." Marshall spoke up.

"True that dude. You guys think they're gonna send us to another mission tomorrow?" Zuma questioned and yawned.

"I don't believe so, you heard what Maggie said right? Might be a day or two before we're sent on another mission." Midnight predicted and watched as Zuma lay his head on her paws.

"You know she's right. Chase personally made the weakest king gave away all of the chairman's secrets to Leon." Warden mentioned, catching everyone off guard except Marshall, Zuma, Skye, and Everest.

"Wait, he did what! How did he do that?" Warren asked in disbelief, not believing what his sister is telling them.

"It's true brother, I saw him do it with my own eyes but I don't know how he did it.." Warden got puzzled and rubbed her head.

"Oh dude, you used that huh?" Zuma asked while looking at his friend, Chase.

"Wait, wait. I think we're left in the dark here. Who is this king you guys are talking about? And Zuma, what do you mean by that?" Everest asked them, asking Marshall and Skye questions too since they have the same thought.

"Oh yeah, we didn't tell you huh?" Warren laid down besides his sister.

"In the T.S.S.W they have different ranks for different humans, dogs, and pups." Chase began explaining, catching everyone's attention.

"Those who are powerful enough to hold two powers and take down a whole organization with no help, calls themselves king. The one I fought with was the King of Light." Chase explained.

"And he's the weakest one since the chairman would always make them fight every year to see who made progress." Zuma added in.

"So who used to be the strongest king?" Marshall asked.

"It used to be Apollo, king of magma and heat but now it's Samuel." Warren answered.

"Wait then what you guys are saying is true...what does that make Chase and Zuma?" Everest questioned.

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