Chapter 41: Relaxtion has come to an end

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Ever since the team left for their mission in Adventure City, there was a lot of work ahead for the rest of the paw patrol. When they left an hour later passed and they had new people joining them after founding out Adventure Bay is in ruins.   There was a group of people: single moms, dad, teenagers, a large group of family and other men, women and children.   The rest were surprising for the paw patrol, they saw the Ruff-Ruff pack being escorted in by the twins and Skye's cousin, Coral.   With new people coming in Mayor Goodway decided to give a speech to her citizens and that was to bring a new suggestion.
She decided to come up with the idea to not rebuild their hometown but to build up a temporary town where others with no home could stay for the meantime until they can find a new home.   Many people disagreed with it, not wanting to rebuild a town where they couldn't live in but after some discussion with each other — it's a good idea, since if anybody has no where else to go, like the homeless, they could come to this town and stay here for a while.

   Many meetings were held though to consider if they should go with the move.   While they do that, the paw patrol were relaxing near the pond with Katie.   The male pups were hanging out with each other, playing games like tug-of-war.  While the female pups are relaxing around Katie and talking to her about girl stuff or the situation they're in.   But to start things off, they told Gasket how Chase and Zuma have their own abilities — even without being powered by the magical meteor.

"You know, after we found out Chase and Zuma have ACTUAL powers. Everything just change for us." Everest spoke up to the girls while laying next to Skye.

   "I get what you mean. You guys are working hard non-stop after we moved here." Katie responded and rubbed Everest head.

   "But I'm still shocked. I would've never guessed those two would have powers! I mean- they hid it so well." Ella added on.

   "Hey Skye, who do you think is the cutest guy in the paw patrol?" Noon spoke, changing the subject.

Skye flinched at the sudden question. The girls all turned to the young Golden Labrador — having a normal innocent expression on her face then Everest turned to Skye to see her face turning red as a tomato. The husky nudged the cockapoo with her shoulder and whispered.

"You're thinking about Chase, aren't you?" She teased with a grin.

Skye flinched once again at her best friend teasing her.   Her face turning more redder than ever to the point where she might catch on fire.   She tried to defend herself but no words could escape out of her mouth.   Like some spirit gave her a curse where she couldn't call out to her loved ones.

  "I-I ... N- ... N-N..uhm." Skye kept stuttering then just gave up.   Everest giggled at the sight while Skye covered her face with her paws.

"Hehe. Sorry Skye." Everest apologized and gave the pup head nuzzles.

Warden and Gasket rolled their eyes in unison, not caring about their conversation. Midnight was too busy talking with her sister about the question she asked while Katie was talking with Ella. After some time Gasket got bored then got up to walk off, Ella saw this and turned to her.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm just going to visit the leprechauns." She answered sarcastically.

Ella stared at her with a deadpanned look before the husky walked off, ignoring the glare she's receiving. Katie saw the whole thing then rubbed Ella's head making the golden retriever wag her tail in happiness.

"So Skye. What's been going on with you and Chase?" Everest whispered.

"H-huh-? What do you mean?" She asked.

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