Chapter 17: Secret out and total destruction

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The men and women were caging up the Alpha Team and settling them aside, stacked up on one and another. Warren and Max tried to break out but after realizing, their powers wouldn't work and that scared them.

The male, with his sunglasses off, helped Ryder and the rest out the ice dome. When he did, Chase and Zuma ram towards Ryder then jumped on him. Giving the young boy a bunch of licks which made him giggle and laugh about it.

Chase and Zuma moved out the way so Ryder can sit up. The rest of the team ran up to the two and bomb them with different questions all at once.


"Did you guys already had powers before we got the meteorite?"

"Why you didn't tell us anything?"

With them asking so many questions. The two pups couldn't even answer them, luckily Ryder stopped them before asking his own question.

"How long you two had these powers?" Ryder asked in his most gentle tone.

Chase and Zuma look at each other, wondering if they should tell them but asking these questions. They already knew about their powers so it wouldn't hurt them to tell the team and Ryder.

Chase opened his mouth to talk but was interrupted by a sound of a jet coming by. All of them turned around to see the same black aircraft that dropped the Alpha team off.

Zuma growled, Chase opened his mouth to slowly form a lightning ball that grew twice his size. The people and animals around from apart form Zuma were surprise of this while Chase shoot the ball at the aircraft.

Unfortunately, it missed the aircraft and it dropped a orb shaped bomb from their jet. Quickly flying around to get away from the explosion, everyone gasped and started moving out the way.

Zuma reacted to this by launching five water tentacles and made them grab the bomb. Pulling it straight underwater and dragging it across it into a open space. After some minutes, a huge explosion could be heard from a far.

Everyone look around before standing up fully, seeing how there was no damage near them or anybody hurt. The alpha team was left shock, not only were they left behind by their own organization but now they're in the hands of their sworn enemy.

The person with his sunglasses off walked up to Chase and Zuma. He thanked them before getting a call, he take his phone out and put it to his ear.

Ryder and the rest of his team walk from behind Chase and Zuma. Ryder patted Chase head while the rest sit beside each other.

"Hey Chase, doesn't that hurt?" Skye asked.

Chase look her way with a confuse expression on his face. Seeing this, she added "well, when you made that ball? Out of lightning? Doesn't that hurt?" He understood what she meant then answered "No it doesn't. I mostly get used to it."

Ryder looked at the person on the phone, a realization hit his face. He knew the person because they talked with each other a few days ago. The boy got up and walked over to the man while his team just talk with other, or just asking Chase and Zuma different questions at once.

"Hey, I remember you. What's going on?" Ryder asked him.

The man turned around before telling the person on the other side of the phone to wait.

"We meet again Ryder. I haven't introduce myself to you because I had to be quick. My name is Leon Chandler, the worker of-" He heard the person yelling from the phone so he put it back to his ear.

Leon's face suddenly changed as he asked the person if he was sure. Mayor Goodway heard this and quickly walked over to Ryder then asked the young boy a question.

"Is everything okay?" Ryder shrugged his shoulders lightly, not understanding what's going on.

"EVERYONE! WE'RE LEAVING AND GOING STRAIGHT TO ADVENTURE BAY! IMMEDIATELY!" He shouted as he shove his phone down his pocket.

The people in the suits quickly rush to their cars. Leon opening his own car while Maggie ran and jumped in his car. The other people in armor loaded up their vans and already drove away but to a different direction.

"Wait! What's going on!" Ryder asked, now more worried.

"Why are you going to Adventure Bay?" Mayor Goodway added on to his question.


Ryder and Goodway heart sink when they heard this. The team heard him and their heart sink as well. Chase covered his body in lightning and immediately zoomed out the festival and onto the road.

"PUPS! GET ON BOARD AND THE REST OF YOU GO!" Ryder yelled while running to the paw patroller along with Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, Rocky and Skye. Along with Liberty and Al including Goodway.

Wildcat and his team jumped in their vehicles then rode off. Ella, Tuck, Everest, Tracker and Rex did the same with Carlos and Jake joined their pups.

Robo-dog was already in the driver seat, getting ready to drive off under Ryder's order. When everyone got in their seat with their seatbelts on, Ryder gave the command and the robot immediately drove off onto the road.

The people in black suits follow behind them with the townsfolk, who live in Adventure Bay, getting worry of their town and got in their cars. Following behind them shortly.

Chase made it in town first and his eyes widened with a horror look on his face. He didn't believe what he was seeing, Chase dashed around the town hoping no one is hurt.

Everyone else made it and they all gasped except the agents who already knew what happened but still had a horror look.

They watched as the peaceful town, Adventure Bay, burned down with their buildings collapsing including the city hall.

Ryder quickly told the pups to get in their vehicles and help out the people who were still in town. Zuma already ran out and made the water nearby to extinguish the fire.

Chase went around and helped people getting out of burning buildings, including the animals that were nearby. Ryder was outside the paw patroller with his pup-pad in hand, telling all the pups apart from Chase and Zuma what to do.

Mayor Goodway eyes were horrified, her mouth quiver in fear as her one's begin shaking. The townsfolk reached the town as well, or what used to be their town.

Goodway dropped to her knees with tears running down her face and her pet chicken cuddling up next to her.

Everyone knows Adventure Bay is no more.

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