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Two pups were running throughout the forest being chase by 5 dogs that were sent to capture them, the pups were trying to outrun the dogs by just running but they knew what they had to do. The pups kept on running but surprisingly they wasn't running out of breath which confused them.

"Why are we not running out of breath?!" The pup yelled out in confusion at the other pup that was running with him while he was running himself.

"I don't know!? but we need to get away from them first!" The pup yelled out to the pup beside them as he took a quick glance behind them to still see the dogs chase them.

The pups would keep on running straight until they took a hard left on a path they saw which surprised the dogs & made them hit a tree, the two pups would smile at this as they would take a right turn then would hide behind a big boulder to process what just happened with them, none of them could think of anything of what just happened.

"W-what did they do to us.." The pup asked the other one as he looked at the ground then slowly looked at the pup as he was confused but mostly scared at this.

"I-I don't know what they did to us but..I shouldn't have trusted that dog" the pup said as he sat himself down against the rock with a sad look that got  noticed by the other pup.

"Hey.." the pup said to the one with a sad look as they sat beside the pup then looked up at them. "It's not your fault that you trusted Radar..he was just really convincing to us" the pup said to help the other pup.

"Yeah your right but.." the pup was going to continue what he said until the pup beside him cut him off.

"But nothing it's okay, the next time we see him we'll run for it okay?" The pup asked with a smile on his face, even though this was a hard situation for them he had to put on a smile for the pup.

"Heh..okay..my name is Chase" Chase said with a smile on his face as well "what's your name?" He asked with a smile and happy tone to show the pup that he was happy now.

The pup smiled towards the pup when he heard what his name was "my name is Zuma, nice to meet ya dude" he said with a happy tone in his tone & his face is still smiling.

The two pups begin to talk to each other for a few minutes until they heard a stick snapped which scared Zuma and made Chase get into his attack pose with both of his claws showing which includes his teeth. They saw 7 shadows coming towards them which made Chase growl towards them even more, one of the shadows would only just laugh at the growl the pup made. When the shadow stepped closer along with a dog that was beside him and the 5 dogs that was behind them have their teeth & claw showing.

"Well I'm sorry for all of this but...we need you to stay with us for a little while" the man said towards the pups which made them back up but they would realize that the rock is behind them and that they are cornered. The man would just laugh like a insane man which scared the pups, this made the 5 dogs that were behind the man & the other shadow rush towards Zuma and Chase to not give them time to think of a way to escape.

This is just a introduction of the remade version of Paw Patrol Mythical War, I'll try to update this story on Wednesday & Saturday.

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