Chapter 33: Lovers first meeting

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In the paw patroller, the team of pups are watching a new movie with another team of their new members. Needless to say, the new members are happy and excited from watching the movie since this is their first ever movie they watch.

All of them are sitting on the left to the right, however some pups can be seen sitting next to or laying on each other like they are a couple. Chase is laying down on the floor with Skye resting her side on his, making him lightly blush at this. Zuma is resting next to Midnight who's laying on his side. And finally, Marshall and Everest are laying against each other, not knowing it looks like a cuddle best friends or lovers do to each other.

Hours passed by just like that with Ryder walking in the paw patroller, all tired with the meetings and plans he had with Leon. Walking into the vehicle he saw the movie is still playing but the pups are already asleep, smiling at this and quickly but quietly tip toeing to the remote, he turn off the movie and took out some blankets for them.

After placing each blankets on them accordingly, he heard somebody walking in the paw patroller so he quickly turn around to see Katie wrapped around in a huge white blanket with many cat face all over it. Ryder smiled and walk over to her quietly, still making sure his team are sleeping.

"Hey Katie, what you doing here?" Ryder asked.

"Oh nothing. Just checking up on you and the pups." Katie smiled but then noticed something wrong with the boy.

"Are you-...are you okay?" Katie asked in concern.

"Hm? Yeah I'm okay Katie. Why?" Ryder tell her confusedly

"I mean have you ever sleep? You have dark circles under your eyes..." Katie touch the side of his face while looking at his eyes.

"Oh- heh- I don't know what you're talking about-" Ryder got caught off by Katie who drag him out the paw patroller.

"Nope don't even try to make any excuses. I don't know what you and Leon been doing but you need to sleep!" Katie told him.

Ryder was about to deny it but knowing Katie all his life, he knows she won't listen to anything anybody says when she sees somebody or animal unwell or even hurt. The boy just let the girl walk him to wherever she's taking him.

After they left two pups suddenly woke up, that being Zuma and Midnight. The Labrador yawn while rubbing his eyes with his right paw as he look to his right to see a yawning golden lab laying down next to him. He look at the lab for a few seconds before he move his head close to Midnight and poked her side.

Midnight fully woke up and turn to her side to see Zuma staring into her eyes with a smile on his face. The golden lab blush at the sight and quickly turned her head to the side, avoiding eye-contact.

"Hi Midnight, I'm surprise you wake up around this time. Having any nightmares lately dudette?" Zuma asked while tilting his head.

"Uh-no Zuma sir- I meant-!" Midnight blush even harder due to embarrassment and laid her face into her paws.

Zuma eyes are widened because of what she said to him, nonetheless he quietly chuckle to himself and Midnight heard him, causing her to blush in embarrassment even more.

"Hehe- don't worry dudette you're okay. It's just been a while since somebody made me laugh." Zuma giggled.

"Oh- wait really-?" Midnight poke her head up slightly, head still in her paws while looking at the chocolate labrador.

"Yeah of course." Zuma started thinning for a few minutes and jumped off the seats. "Hey, wanna see something?" Zuma asked the golden lab.

Midnight eyes opened widely before looking at the chocolate lab who's standing next to the seat with a smile on his face. She decided to think about Zuma's offer, after looking around the paw patroller to see everybody are sleeping. Midnight turned her head to him and nodded.

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