Chapter 35: False alarm. Love is in the air?

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Leon and Ryder were in a separate room trying to discuss plans to stop the attack on Adventure City while Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Tracker, Everest, Ella and Tuck were sitting in another room stressed out along with the former alpha team.

Chase and the other pups rushed in the building. When the rest of the pups saw them they quickly got up and walk over to them.

"Marshall, you're not joking right? Adventure City will be attack soon?" Chase asked Marshall, making sure he wasn't lying about the situation.

Marshall just nodded his head with a scared expression on his face, seeing this. Chase believed him and look in the other room to see his leader, Ryder and Leon talking with Leon's boss.

"I'll be right back. Just stay here okay?" Chase said to them and walk into the other room.

The German Shepherd saw how stress and panic Ryder looked, same with Leon while the only person who's calm is the chairman, Edward.

"Sir with all due respect. I can't just sit around and let them roam around Adventure City! We need to do something about this!" Leon slammed his hands on the table.

"Leon. I know what you are feeling, believe me, I feel the same way. But we have to be smart about this and be ahead of them." Edward told his agent.

"Then please explain. Why should we stay still! We are already ahead of them and everything! What could possibly happen now?!" Leon yelled at the man.

Chase and Ryder were just watching the whole thing go down. Since Ryder is still not use to this whole thing, he felt like he shouldn't step in when he doesn't know what to do or what to say. But so to speak, he hasn't felt like a leader ever since they encountered these people and that made him feel like he wasn't helping.

Ryder thought the only two members who helped them was Chase and Zuma, a few of his pups did help but it still felt like the ones doing the heavy work were them.

Before Edward could answer Leon's questions Ryder spoke up first saying.

"Is it possible that they could use this against us?"

Both Leon and Edward turn to face him. The agent was looking at the boy with a confused look while Edward only showed a warm smile.

"I'm sorry for being rude Ryder, but how can they do that? We already have one of their kings." Leon asked the boy.

"Well just imagine this with me, what if we did act and rush back to Adventure City. Imagine we waited for days and nothing happened, they could be planning something else." Ryder explained.

Leon lifted up his eyebrow and fixed his posture by standing straight with his arms behind his back.

"And how can we be sure? They are planning to attack which could be our downfall if we don't act."

"But before any of this even happen, who even told us the T.S.S.W were going to attack Adventure City?" Ryder asked and that seem to keep Leon quiet.

"If you didn't knew, I sent Liberty back to Adventure City because she was feeling homesick. I also did the same with Wildcat and his crew, Al went back to watch over our truck station and Rex went back home too. If something did happen, Liberty would've call me." Ryder explained more.

The pups were eavesdropping behind the door, hearing Ryder's reasons now. They felt at ease including the former alpha team because they were worried if they have to fight again after now taking some good rest.

"And if anything else happens. I will contact my members to be on the lookout." Ryder suggested.

Leon and Edward look at each other for a few moment before turning their attention back to Ryder.

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