Chapter 11: The Festival Begins

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A big vehicle was going through the road, with some cars behind them with whoever is in them, cheering. A red light was shown in the traffic light  which made the big vehicle stop along with the rest of the cars.

The big vehicle, also known as the paw patroller, was showing the way for the citizens of Adventure Bay. So they wouldn't be lost or be late to the festival. When the light turned green, the paw patroller drove off with the cars following behind them.

When they arrived, the doors open and the paw patrol came out of the paw patroller with their things and their VIP passes around their neck. After getting everything out, robo-dog drove away with the paw patroller so he could park it.

The cars behind it follow behind to park their cars. The paw patrol walk through the entrance with their stuff. Needless to say, they were amazed on how the festival looks. There are different rides, games, food and many more.

"Woah..." all the pups gasped and look around.

"Hehe, come on pups. Let's go see Mayor Goodway first before doing anything else." Ryder said to the pups while carrying some of their stuff.

The pups looked a Ryder then nodded. They started walking straight down a path that wasn't very clear but can be seen if anyone looks closer. When the pups and Ryder kept walking, they saw Mayor Goodway guiding the other performers.

"Hello Mayor Goodway, the festival looks amazing." Ryder complimented the mayor.

"Thank you, Ryder. I appreciate you and the pups for coming." Mayor Goodway thanked the paw patrol with a smile.

"You're welcome, Mayor Goodway. We brought our equipment. Where should we go?" Ryder asked her.

"Oh! You can put those in the back of the stage. The helpers will show you where to put your things." She answered back with a smile. Until she heard someone called her name.

"Sorry, Ryder. I need to help out with the others. Hope you and the pups have a wonderful time here at the festival!" She fully welcomed them and begin walking away to the worker.

Ryder look ahead to see the stage, saw a bunch of performers, with a lot of people there. Ryder started walking towards that direction with the pups following him.

Getting closer, they were amazed to see how many performers are here. Wanting to show their talents off to the people. The pups mouth are open in awe as another pup was walking towards them. A white furred Pomeranian with blue eyes, wearing a white shirt and hat with the word "helper" on it, stood in front of them.

"Hi, my name is Maggie and I will be your helper. I assume you want to put your stuff in the back, right?" Maggie asked with a bright smile while Ryder nodded.

"Hi Maggie!" All the pups greeted back with their own smiles. Making the helper, Maggie, giggled for a second before turning away.

"Okay then, just follow me and I'll show you the way." She told them and started walking away with Ryder and the pups following behind her.

When they walk behind the stage with Maggie. They look around in shock and amazement, noticing how big the back stage is. Maggie stop near a empty space and showed the paw patrol their spot.

"This is where you'll place your belongings. If you need anything else, just come get me or one of our helpers." She explained while still smiling.

"Okay. Thank you for the help, Maggie." Ryder thanked the pup while placing their belongings in the spot Maggie showed them.

"Your welcome" Maggie said to them and turned around to walk away but before she could. She saw Rubbe eating a few treats before looking at her.

He waved at her with a smile, making the pup giggle and walk away, and seeing her giggled then walk away made him confused. Zuma noticed this and look at Rubble.

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