Chapter 43: Adventure City Mission, Helping a Fallen Member

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  A couple of hours has entered the midnight hour.  Being one-thirty o'clock.  Since yesterday of Chase encouraging his team and giving them new tasks to follow, they were able to carry out.  Except for one pup, Emily.
  The one who was misfortune to come in contact with Jaiden.  The man who struck fear into the pup.  Because of that, she was left behind with Ryder to recover.

In their hidden base. Ryder is on radio call with the people in suits Leon dispatch to the city. He sent over five huge groups consisting of thirty people.
While the boy was making different calls to be prepared for the mission. Emily is lying down on a bean bag while listening to an audiobook of a random story Ryder chose. She didn't know why but it helps soothe her mind.

The two individuals then heard a metal door sliding up then came back down under six seconds. Emily gestured her body over to see who arrived while Ryder still focused on his task. The black Labrador caught a view of Chase dragging Jaiden across the floor by the shirt with his mouth. Tied up in his usual net. Emily gasped in surprise at this moment and opened her mouth to speak.

  "H-how'd you beat him?"  She asked out of curiosity.

  "Uh, nothing special really.." He lied to her, not wanting to reveal anything else.

Ryder soon walked over to the two and saw the unconscious man. A cold sweat run down his face, still not used to seeing Chase other personality when dealing with them. He took a knee down and examined the man. Now noticing he was the one that scared Emily.

"So you captured the guy? I'm guessing he would've been a huge problem for us, huh?" Ryder asked Chase with a smile.

"Yep! And I'm glad I did. He didn't had any powers but — this necklace helped him with that." Chase gestured his head over to his pup pack.

Ryder faced forward at the pup pack. He got up from his knee and opened the pup pack while extending his left hand in the bag. He took out the necklace with the plain orange stone.

"Huh? This gave him powers?" Ryder asked Chase, wanting to confirm his question.

   "Yeah. It lit up to four different colors — green, red, blue, then yellow." Chase explained how it worked.

"Weird ... from what I know and read. You guys are supposed to be injected with something, right?"

"Yes sir. Seeing this is new to me. I've never heard of anybody using a necklace to handle their powers-"

"You're right. Ever since you and Zuma left, there was nobody with that necklace besides him!" Emily jump in, catching Ryder's and Chases's attention.

"I didn't want to believe it .. but I heard a rumor going around that somebody was wearing some type of stone around their neck. Allowing them to use powers." Emily added on.

This new information shocked both Ryder and the pup. The boy immediately looked back at the necklace he was holding and rushed over to the table. Placing it down on the center of it. When he did this, it slowly lifted from the center and hovered above the table as a circular holographic dome appeared around it.
Ryder tapped the table and watched as hologram of a keyboard pop up in front of him. He began typing on it, gathering data from it as the two pups watched from afar.

"So Emily. Have you recovered yet?" Chase asked, looking at her with concern.

"Oh- uhm .. I don't know yet, Captain. What he did really put a toll on me." Emily replied honestly. Turning her head back to stare at the unconscious man.

Chase stared at her then the unconscious man for a bit before speaking again. "How long you think you need to rest for? Days? Weeks?"

Emily stayed quiet and didn't dare to answer. She kept looking at Jaiden, remembering the fear he installed in her. To the point where she suddenly had nightmares about it. Emily doesn't know why or how he did it but it worked. It made her barely join in on any missions they had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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