Chapter 16: Reinforcements Arrival

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With Chase and Zuma fighting off the Alpha Team. The Paw Patrol and The Helpers were trying to figure out how to get out of the ice dome. One of the helpers, a large size for them to be even called a human, pulled out a hammer and slammed it against the dome only for it to break.

He looked at the hammer and scratched his head as Ryder tried to think of some ways to get out along with Rocky. The rest of the members watched as Zuma fought off four pups with the unknown powers they never knew he had.

"Woah..." Rubble said with his mouth agape.

The rest of them still watched him while being silent. They were shock, scared and confused with all of what's Zuma is doing. Ryder thought of an idea that might just work, he caught everyone's attention and all attention was drawn on him.

"Okay everyone! I have a plan so we can all get out of here. But I'm gonna need ALL of your help." Ryder told them.

The Paw Patrol nodded along with Mayor Goodway. The helpers did the same while a certain pup was secretly talking in their pup tag without being seen before nodding.

The male Siberian Husky got thrown through the stage and landed near Jack who saw him. He gasped and zoom near Warren's side, he shook him many times until he heard a groan escape the husky's mouth.

"Yo dude! Are you alright?" Jack asked worriedly.

"What do you think?" Warren slowly got up and groan again then move his neck around to crack it.

Loud clap of thunder were heard behind the stage which caught Warren and Jack attention. Five minutes later, Midnight and the rest of her team came crashing through the stage as well.

Both of the pups jumped and Jack dashed away fast, only leaving Warren standing there by himself as the air pups came crashing down on him.

All the pups groan as Warden and the other three pups ram up to them. Helping some get up while Dom is slowly healing the rest with one of his powers.

They all got up slowly with Warren still recovering from Sammy being on top of him. He got up and shake his head then stopped.

"How many powers did Chase show?" Warden asked.

"Only three, what about Zuma?" Emily asked as well.

"Same with Chase. I think their playing with us if they're not even showing their last power." Zelda added and later heard a big boom.

Chase jumped and landed near them with Zuma walking up to Chase while glaring the team down. The Brown Labrador and German Shepherd bump paws then eyes lit up, Chase eyes being blue and Zuma eyes being orange.

Midnight look at both of them nervously, she felt a paw on her shoulder and when she turned around. Emily was there who gave Midnight a grin, Midnight nodded and close her eyes.

"Okay. Warden, Zelda, Max and Sam. You guys will go after Zuma while Warren, Sammy, Jack and Emily take on Chase. The rest of us will lend you a helping paw." Midnight ordered with her team nodding.

Eight of the pups dashed straight at Chase and Zuma who got down, ready for the attack. Chase quickly made tons of black clouds appear above them while Zuma zoomed straight to them.

This caught them off guard, they didn't know why Zuma was doing this. Until they saw the clouds produce s large amount of rain, heavy rain that can make your clothes drenched in rain.

Zuma slide himself around to make a water slash coming at them. Half of them jump while the rest ducked down. Max, who jumped, quickly moved his body around and used his back paw to launch a fireball attack.

Zuma slammed his paws down, creating a wall of water to block the attack and then sent the wall to them. Warden quickly froze it before Chase could send a thunder strike down at the wall.

Warren went through it then blast off, speeding like a rocket. He zoomed directly at Chase and went for a kick with his back right leg. Chase reacted by ducking down then sending out a thunder ball at him. Warren got hit and hit the ground hard while sliding back to the team, Jack zoomed past him and landed a hit on Chase, in the face.

He slid back, Zuma caught this and sent a heavy wind current at Jack. Making him lose control of his footing and hit the chairs that was close by. The Labrador grin but was later hit on the side, causing him to fell on the ground.

"Ha! Gotcha!" Sam taunted then made 3 large sized shadow hands appear from his shadows.

Before anything could happen, Zuma made the seaweed move through the docks and grabbed the speedster. Making him stop moving with more seaweed wrapping around him and forcing Jack on the ground.

Zelda sent out a wave of electricity to Zuma. Emily making a medium size rock come out of nowhere and kick it at Chase. Sammy covered his paws with shadowy claws and rush at the German Shepherd.

Zuma got electrocuted but immediately shook it off and made another tornado by spinning the wind current around with great speed. He sent the tornado rushing at the team, Noon was able to block it with her barrier while her older sister Midnight mutter out a few words.

A black magical circle appeared in the sky and it begin to suck up the tornado. Chase saw this while dodging Emily's attack then punching Sammy in the face while kicking him her by spinning himself around.

Chase covered himself with lightning and dashed at the barrier. Warden tried to stop him but Zuma made the water grab her and slam her against the ground. Chase sent out a blast of lightning, after it hit. The barrier was pushed back with cracks showing.

The eight members, who were fighting off Chase and Zuma but now only the Brown Labrador, look back and tried to stop Chase. But they were stop instead when Zuma sent out seaweed to grab the team. Making the seaweed wrap around them and pulling them back to where Jack was, covering their paws and mouths.

Chase broke through the barrier and sent out a lightning ball. Noon managed to make a shield but it immediately broke and hit her. Midnight gasped but soon growled while her eyes turn completely black.

Chase just look at her with his eyes turning completely blue. The Golden Labrador summon three magical black circles again but this time, having a weird symbol in them. A large amount of fireballs started shooting out of them and going straight for Chase.

Chase covered himself with lightning again and dodge each of them. He zoomed at Midnight while dodging the incoming fireballs. Chase got in front of her with his paws covered with lightning energy, Midnight got spooked and her eyes went back to normal. He was going to throw a punch until they all heard a siren.

All of the pups, even the one's captured, turned around to see a bunch of black vans rolling up and stopping in front of them. Different people in suits came out the vans with one of them walking up to the pups.

They stopped in front of pups with the rest behind them, holding cages and net cannons. The person in front of them took off his glasses and stare at the pups with the armor.

"By order of our commander, you are ALL under arrest."

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