Chapter 5: A Big Surprise

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"My name is 0294" The man said as he was breathing heavily under his breath as he was staring at Chase.

Chase just looked at him with a confused look, making him tilt his head with his eyebrow raise. He didn't know if this person was lying or not because he remembered some people having code names but he doesn't remember them having these type of names.

"Stop lying to me or I'll-"

"I'm not lying, I was given the name 0294" The man said again as he was still holding his chest as he sat up a bit with his back against the wall.

"And to answer your question...the organization sent me here to keep a watch on you and Zuma"

Chase growled at what the man said and slammed his right paw next to the man's head. This made the man look to the side of the bit and immediately he was shocked with a horrified look on his face. He saw a medium size crack on the wall where the german shepard's paw was.

"Why are you guys doing that now of all times" Chase said with a low growl.

"I..I..I d-don't know why myself-" The man stuttered with fear in his voice.

"You better not be lying to me or else" Chase reminded the man in a angry way with a mad expression on his face.

"I-I swear! I'm not lying! I'm being honest!" The man yelled out in horror as his whole body was shaking from fear. "I REALLY don't know why they want me to watch you guys but I was ordered to okay?!" The man yelled out again.

Chase just looked at him with a blank expression for a little while until he sighed. "Well if you're telling the truth I should let you go" Chase decided to say to the man which made him smile a bit.

"R-really?" He said in a happy expression until he felt something on his chest, he looked down to see Chase's paw on it which confused him.

"Yeah, I hope you go somewhere fun" Chase replied to the man with a smile on his face, he shot out lighting out his paw that's on the man's chest. Doing this the man yelled out in pain but Chase stopped him as he used his other paw to push the man's jaw close.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go" Chase admitted to the person with a smile on his face, slowly after a few seconds the man stopped moving which made Chase move his paw away from the man's jaw. Chase looked at the person's face and could see that he is not breathing no more, he would remove his paw away from his chest then bow his head a bit before walking away from the alleyway.

Chase would walk towards his police cruiser and when he reached it he would jump in the driver's seat. He would sigh to himself as he looked at his paw he used to shock the man with. It still feels wrong killing a person.. Chase thought in his head as he put his paws on the wheel then start up his police cruiser and drove away.  After some time he came back to the Lookout with the pies Mr. Porter made for the pups.

[At the Lookout]

Chase parked his police cruiser in front of the lookout, he was about to jump out until he saw Ryder coming out the lookout which made the pup tilt his head. "How do you always know when one of the pups are here and you come out at the right time?" Chase asked with a raise eyebrow which made Ryder giggle a bit.

"I don't know Chase, maybe I can tell the future" Ryder joked around as he walked up to Chase's police cruiser and started getting the pies along with Chase. They both walked inside the lookout with Ryder holding 3 pies in his arms and chase balancing 3 pies on his back. They walked to the other pups who were watching TV until they smelled a delicious smell which made them turn their attention to Ryder and Chase.

"Pie!" The pups yelled out in excitement as they got up and ran to them.

"Hehe, okay pups calm down" Ryder announced to the pups as he set down the pies on the ground for the pups, they looked at the pie with stars in their eyes as they looked at Ryder with happiness and with a smile on their face.

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