Chapter 36: Preparation to Adventure City

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It's now the afternoon for the pups and everyone else. They are all chilling with each other with, some of them missing, but the rest doesn't know where they went. In a open space with a lot of grass, flowers and small critters. The pups played with them while the rest are talking with each other. Rubble and Mr. Porter were talking each other until Maggie pop out of nowhere. She greeted Mr. Porter who greeted her back and she turn her head to greet the bulldog.

"Heya rubble." Maggie giggled.

Rubble's face went red hearing her voice. Wait- what's wrong with me? He thought and shook his head rapidly side to side. Before he could say anything, Mr. Porter told them he'll be making lunch for everyone and left.

"So Rubble I heard you're the construction pup on the team. That's true?" She asked and he nodded.

"Oh, so you're the strong pup huh~?" She teased him, making the pup blush at her remark.

"Leave him alone." Chase uttered to her while walking pass the two.

"Okay okay. I was just teasing him." Maggie told him with a smile on her face.

The Shepard walk down the hill to where the girls are resting under the tree. His eyes shifted to the left to see Zuma and Midnight cuddle up next to each other, seems to him that Midnight is once again getting embarrassed because of her siblings teasing her again. He giggled at the sight, but that soon died out after remembering something.

He remembered he's barely hanging out with Skye, sure Skye and him would often talk with each other but that will soon be cut off because of something major happening. And of course that made him sad, so to fix those sadness. He decided to take Skye on a walk up the cliffs around them. Sure it's not romantic but it's what him and Skye would do in their free time.

Wait, romantic-? Why am I thinking like that? Chase asked himself, now he remembered how he used to act, having to act like he doesn't already have powers when he jump onto that train once or gotten those "powers" from the meteorite. But the main thing he didn't pretend or have to act, is his crush on Skye.

He always liked the cockapoo pup the moment he lay his eyes on her. She's the first who made his heart beat faster like he was running a marathon, not being able to look in her eyes for even a second, stuttering while trying to have a conversation with her, and the only one who made him feel safe apart from Ryder.

Chase was too deep in thought he didn't realize he's going to walk into the river. His paw was inches away from the water until Skye stopped him, that made him get out of his thoughts and brought him back to reality. Chase look down to see the river in front of him, if he went anywhere closer he sure would've feel right in. The shepherd step back and look to his right to see the cockapoo, Skye, standing next to him.

"Thank you Skye. I guess I wasn't paying attention." Chase nervously smiled.

"Hehehe. I can see that" Skye smiled making the German Shepherd face turn red.

"Anyway are you okay? It looks like something is bothering you." Skye asked with a concern voice.

"Oh it's nothing. Just thinking about what to do today." Chase told her.

"Hmm. Are you being honest with me Chase?" Skye squinted her eyes at him.

"Huh- of course I am." Chase responded nervously.

"So you weren't just about to fall in that river. Huh?" Skye remarked while pointing at it.

Chase was gonna say something but hesitated and couldn't think of anything. Skye's eyebrow raised up when she saw how he couldn't come up with anything. Two minutes passed and Chase still couldn't think of anything so he just nodded his head which made Skye smile.

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