Chapter 31: The Battle between Royals

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Warden just finished talking out the guards with no problem and now waiting for the information to be fully downloaded in the disk. She heard a a sudden boom which cause the room around her to shake, it was follow up by a couple more.

"Chase...I hope you're okay.." Wardn hope and whined a bit.

Chase got slammed against the wall while Beacon rested himself on a table while a yawn escape from his mouth. He look back at the German Shepherd who is now getting up while breathing slowly.

"Oh come on, did you laze around when we LET you escape or something?" Beacon questioned with a slight grin on his face.

Chase growled as his body lit up blue, his whole body cover in lightning with his eyes glowing white. Beacon saw this and couldn't help nor stop himself from smiling at the sight. He never saw the German Shepherd do this before so it excited him and wanted to see what pup is made of.

"Bring it on then pu-" Beacon stop mid sentence when he didn't saw Chase the minute he took his eyes off him.

The king got confuse then felt a kick to his side, getting slammed against the wall then got hit with a blast of lightning. Beacon went through the wall with a smirk before landing on another wall and stepping down to the floor.

"That's really amazing Chase! I never excepted you to do that." Beacon complement the pup while four golden light orbs appear next to him.

The four golden orbs form themselves into swords as they levitate in the air, Chase appear next to him with a lightning ball in his mouth before shooting it at him. Beacon dodge it close range before swinging one of his swords at Chase.

The pup duck down before swinging his body around and went for a sweep kick but Beacon flew up in the air then sent three of his swords down at the pup. Chase push himself away from the incoming swords while starting a huge black cloud above them, outside of the roof as they fought.

"Come on Chase! Show me more!" Beacon shouted in excitement when he summon ten more golden light orbs as they form themselves into swords.

Chase clenched his mouth shut for a moment, he bare his teeth out before sending out a blast of lightning at Beacon. Of course, the king of light, easily dodge the attack and have a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Before he could say anything, he heard thunder close by but didn't see the thunder cloud above them. Beacon felt something off so he looked up to see a large cloud and as soon as he did that, a thunder strike struck down at him. Unfortunately, he reacted quick by making his swords block it and movers it away.

"Ha...hahahahaha! Amazing Chase! You're really good! We should've kept you!" Beacon flew straight at Chase with all of his swords pointing at the pup.

"Oh shut up!" Chase yelled and jump towards him.

The pup raised his paw up and sent out a thunder blast straight at him, breaking the swords which made the Beacon gasped for the first time and flew to the left to dodge the blast. Chase looked at him and moved his body around to land on top of the open roof, Beacon glare at him without a smirk or grin or nothing.

Chase felt uneasy when he saw Beacon's look, he never saw this side of him since Beacon always smile on his day off and whenever he battle somebody. Beacon sighed at this and stare daggers into Chase soul which made the pup get low fast, staying on his guard.

"I hate're this powerful and you decide to just leave and live a normal life as a normal pup?" Beacon asked.

Chase didn't say anything but just watch the large dog as he begin walking around the big hole so Chase did the same.

"You think you can live your life as a normal pup!? You're already a pup with powers! That's not even close to normal." Beacon yelled and dash straight to Chase.

Chase couldn't react fast enough and got slammed against the roof while being pinned down on it. Chase opened his eyes to see twenty-five daggers close to his face, catching him off guard.

"To think you can be this powerful but not be working for us. Instead, you work for the same people who put your friends down!" Beacon yelled and pinned his paw against Chase neck.

Chase clenched his teeth as the lightning covering his body, slowly disappeared from leg to head as his eyes stopped glowing. Beacon growled with his sharp teeth showing while his claws barely dig into Chase's skin.

"I should've kept you in check instead of Samuel. He was too easy on you, I would've made you a strong pup like how I was!" Beacon pinned his paw harder and Chase have trouble breathing because of it.

"Not only that! You are still using half of your power! That is just freaking stupid! I-" Beacon stopped and realized something he forgot to do.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell boss where you and your little friends are staying now." Beacon mentioned and went to tap his collar tag.

Chase eyes widened and tried to get Beacon off of him but the dog wouldn't since he's bigger, the pup has no choice but to go all out. He didn't want to and hope it wouldn't come to this but again, he has no choice. Chase close his eyes for a moment before opening them back up again with a golden glow.

Beacon saw this and wonder what Chase is trying to do now. If he's trying to attack, the daggers will immediately strike their target or does he have another plan Beacon doesn't know about? Before he knew it, he got overpowered in a second with a punch then a large lightning blast.

Beacon fell across the roof before getting up, he saw half of his daggers destroyed while Chase was running at him with full speed. The dog quickly summon fifteen golden orbs that form into swords and went straight for Chase while he summon a sword for himself and grabbed it with his mouth.

Chase dodged the two incoming swords while destroying the rest by jumping and throwing lightning strikes at them. Beacon disappeared and reappeared in front of Chase then went for a slash but Chase duck them then used his cloud to make it start raining.

The pup swung his body in midair which caught Beacon off guard and didn't see the kick Chase gave him. Making the dog slam through the roof and into the floor. After that, Chase sent out one or two or tons of thunder strikes down at him.

Beacon slashed the first one away until he got hit with the second one, the rest kept coming so he was repeatedly getting hit. Making his golden orbs slowly disappear in thin air, seeing this, Chase stop and fell through the hole and landed on the ground.

He heard a cough and saw Beacon climbing out the hole from the ground, the dog had small red liquid coming out of his mouth and tried to make his sword or daggers again.

"I command you to stop"

Beacon orbs disappear again while his eyes turn yellow with his body stopping as if nothing happened. Chase eyes stop glowing while Warden just ran out the room with the disk, she gasped because of all the damage the both of cause.

Before she could put the disk up and ask what happened or anything else, Chase is already in front of her which made her blush due to his close he is.

"Hey Warden, did the disk finish downloading?" Chase asked.

" uh, did King of Light got away?" Warden questioned.

Chase move his head back and Warden look around him then got shocked to what she's looking at. She saw Beacon, King of Light and known to be a psycho, laying on the ground with emptiness in his eyes. Chase walk over to the dog along with Warden who stood behind him the whole time.

"Can you radio Leon?"

"Yeah I can, what you wanna tell him?"

"I'm gonna let one of the organization executives tell them everything, I mean everything." Chase eyes glow golden while Warden start up her earpiece.

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