Chapter 14: Chase vs Alpha Team(7)

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Chase got slammed against the ground while Warren safely landed a few feet away from him. He growled and got up slowly, standing on all fours. He later saw six more members of the Alpha Team come from behind Warren.

"Okay...what are you doing here." Chase said, with a pissed off tone which made Warren chuckle.

"Lightning Bolt, you are coming with us" Midnight ordered while stepping in front of her team with Emily beside her.

Chase growled again as lighting sparks showed up around him and they put their guard up. Warren smirked at this then got down into a running position with fire coming out his paws.

"Remember the plan! Don't go attacking at once." Emily shouted and glare straight at Warren who felt the stare then rolled his eyes.

Chase opened his mouth and blasted out a lighting strike from his mouth. The team notice this and quickly moved out the way. Chase then turned his whole body blue with lightning marks on his body.

He dashed straight towards them and when they landed, he body slammed against Warren who flew into a tent.

The members were shocked on how quick he was. Emily place her front paw on the guard and very soon spikes came out the ground rushing at Chase.

He immediately jumped up and blast out a ball of lightning at them. He took this chance to land on the ground then dashed towards them again. Only leaving sparks of lightning in his path.

Emily looked up and saw the lightning ball hurling at her. She managed to make a wall between her and the attack which soon contacted. Chase appear behind her and swung his whole body around and kicked her through her own wall.

Warren flew out the tent and stare down at Chase, he saw how he kicked their vice captain away which ticked him off.

"Max! Let's attack him together!" Warren called out and zoomed at the German Shepherd.

Max nodded then a burst of flames surrounded his body as he dashed at Chase. Both of the fire powered pups clashed at each other, knocking each other in the head while Chase is in the midair.

Quickly, he dive down and slammed both of them in the ground. Before he could do anything else, Emily kicked him away from them and when she landed. A couple of spikes came out the ground again and rushed directly at Chase.

This gave Warren and Max plenty of time to get up but that didn't stop them from growling. Emily immediately got in front of them then glare at them.

"Do you not remember what I told you! Especially you Warren!" She growled at them.

Max and Warren pulled their ears back but Warren rolled his eyes. Midnight came from behind Emily with her eyes closed and muttered out a few words no one couldn't understand.

Chase swung his right paw to the side, causing a thunder strike to hit the in-coming spikes. He breath a sigh of relief until the ground beneath him began rumbling.

He was confused and looked up to see a Golden Labrador moving her mouth. His right eyebrow curled up in confusion while he look down to see cracks appearing on the wall.

Realizing the situation now, he jumped up as a ton of vines irrupt from the ground and aim directly at the shepherd. Chase expression turned into a shock one, he tried to dodge them midair but he was caught by one of them as Chase was slammed into the ground. Different vines started holding him down as he violently tried to get them off of him.

Seven of the pups walked up to the German Shepherd who was still violently trying to get out of the trap. Warren smirked, he's the only one who enjoyed watching the pup struggle while the rest was a bit scared.

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