Chapter 24: Chase vs 8 Pups

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The eight pups had to get used to the sunlight before opening their eyes fully. One of the women there picked up the cage and walked away with it as Leon backed away, including Zuma and the three golden labrador.

Chase was the only pup who were standing in front of them and stretching his body before getting into his stance. He set his head low with a grin, the pups immediately put their guard up because of this. Emily then shouted for Max and Warren to go first.

Warren set his paws low before a burst of flames shot him up to the sky and follow with flames coming out his paws. He flew straight to Chase to deliver a kick but Chase saw this and moved out the way before he felt a certain amount of heat.

He turned his head quickly to see Max releasing a large fire breath. Chase jumped up and sent out a lightning bolt from his paw. It hit Jack who got sent away and hit a few rocks; seeing how he didn't get up quick like how he used to made them worry apart from Warren, Warden and Emily.

" strong hit is all I need." Chase taunts them and jumped high in the sky.

He caught Warren by the leg, causing him to be surprised and soon later. Chase threw him towards the ground and shot out a thunderbolt at him. Warren made the impact with the ground which he groaned in pain, he opened his eyes and saw a thunderbolt close to his face.

His eyes widened before getting hit by it; causing a loud boom to be heard and making Leon including the rest, besides Zuma, to be shock. Warden growled and sent out numerous of ice spikes at him while Zelda ride on one of them. Chase eyes glow bright blue with a grin.

The shepherd jumped in the sky and open his mouth, sending out three lightning bolts at the spikes and then summon a large cloud above them. Zelda notice this and sent out an electrical blast at it; stopping the three lightning bolts from hitting and causing smoke in the sky.

Following his attack, Max sent out a fire blast straight to the smoke while Emily runs to check on Warren who seems to be unconscious. Max got confused when his blast hit the smoke but there was no Chase. What he didn't knew, Chase was behind him and Max notice it too late when the Shepard kicked him away.

Before Max could do anything else, he was hit by a kick and flew away to a nearby rock wall then got hit by a sudden wave of lightning bolts. The Shepard nodded at his attack when he got kicked away to Emily who slammed her paws on the ground as hard as she can to make a fist made out of dirt and rocks.

The rock fist connected with Chase, sending him away and crashing in the dirt. Wolf gasped along with a few other people who raised their weapon up but was stop by Leon.

"But sir! We need to help!" Wolf spoke up but Leon didn't say anything.

Leon looks down at Zuma who hasn't move yet and watching the fight. He thought if Zuma, one of Chase close friends, is not moving in to save him. Then he doesn't need to move his men to help Chase either.

Warren slowly got up and groaned some more before touching his head with his paw; in so much pain in his head that he couldn't even think about anything. Emily turn her head and smiled, she quickly nudge him before asking.

"You okay now? If you are, go see if Jack is good too." Emily told him.

"Yeah yeah...just wait a minute." Warren rubbed his head.

All the pups apart from Warden and Emily flinch when they heard a thunder rumbling in the clouds. Very soon, it started heavily raining down on the team and before they could do anything about it. Chase slammed his paws into the ground, literally, causing lightning strikes to come raining down at the ground.

Some of them begin dodging the strikes while both Emily and Warden had to put a dome up for them. Sammy was running towards the dome until Chase immediately caught up to him and punched him away.

Sammy grunted in pain before catching himself by pressing all four paws on the ground and stop himself from moving. He looked up and didn't saw Chase at all which scared him a bit, he heard something else and look up to see a yellow flash of light. Five times, he got hit by thunder five times and now is unconscious.

Sam, the little brother, saw this and went in a full on rage before rushing out the dome to fight Chase. Warren tried to stop him but he got hit by a random lightning bolt. Zelda got in front of Warren and sent out another electrical blast at an incoming lightning bolt. Both the blast clash with each other and Zelda got pushed back a bit but still hold his ground.

Sam sent out three shadow claw like hands at him and tried to attack the shepherd. Chase saw this and dodge to the left, right then went above. He landed on the ground before jumping in the air and opened his mouth.

A thunder blast escaped from his mouth and hit the Bohemian Shepherd. Sam groans and tried getting up but Chase stopped him by slamming his front paws in Sam's back and moved his lower body in the air. Flipping his body around and kicking Sam away at his brother.

Chase decided he's done playing around with them so his whole body glow whiteish blue and his eyes glow yellow before dashing towards the dome. Zelda finished directing the lightning bolt away and started breathing heavily, the pup felt some strange aura so he look up and saw a glowing pup.

"Is that CHASE!-" Zelda shouted.

He couldn't finish his whole sentence before getting hit by tons of thunder and lightning strikes. Emily and Warden saw this then growled loudly before Chase came crashing down on their down. Causing a large explosion, Emily was sent back while Warden covered herself with her ice wall.

Chase dashed next to her and punched her away before rushing at Emily who gasped and tried to put up a wall. It was too late though as she got hit by a large thunderbolt coming from Chase hand.

Emily slid across the ground hard before she crashed next to Zuma and the rest. The three golden labradors were shock about this, if this is how strong he was. Why didn't he beat them at the festival.

Warden sent out a large ice wave but Chase wasn't playing around no more and ran straight towards it. He zoomed through the ice and slammed his right paw against Warden; causing them her to get slam against the rocky wall with a large cloud of dust erupted from it.

The cloud soon went away as the dust soon cleared up. Chase stood up like nothing ever happened and look down to see a unconscious husky laying on the ground.

Chase sighed and walked away to Zuma, he look up to see Ryder and the pups which cause him to smile and cold sweat. Wondering if they saw what he did to them.

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