Chapter 28: Undercover Mission Pt. 2

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Chase and Warden are walking past many pups and dogs talking with each other or partying. They decided to stay close to each other so none of them would get lost in the crowd, Chase turn his head to see two large dogs blocking a door. Chase got Warden's attention and pointed at the door, she look at them and nodded.

Both pups slowly crept on them and lean against the wall, they gently pile their head from behind the big vase to see them scanning the area before looking forward. Chase jump ahead and kick both of their head to the ground, knocking them out swiftly.

Warden blush at this scene but shock her head and walk up to them while Chase place the dog paw on a scanner, then the door flew open.

"That was easy, come on." Chase commented and walked through the doors with Warden.

After they walk down the hall, another large dog shadow is shown to be hovering over the knock out dogs. He shook his head side to side, a disappointing gesture.

"Tsk tsk tsk. They have you as their guard? That's kinda sad, really sad I mean." Beacon sighed and walk past them.

He walk through the door and down the hall slowly, putting a smile on his face before disappearing in the dark.

With Marshall, Zuma, Midnight and Everest

The four pups walk up to an empty table where there was four seats which are good for them since they don't have to look for any. Everest and Midnight jump in their seats while Zuma went to grab a few drinks with Marshall.

"You nervous dude?" Zuma asked the Dalmatian, clearly seeing him sweating.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He nervously smiled.

"You know I can you sweat, right?" He quested and saw the table full of puppy snacks.

Marshall wipe the sweat off his face before walking up to Zuma and look at what's in front of him. He turn to Zuma and then asked.

"How come your not nervous?"

"Well, me and Chase often go on spy missions when we used to work with the bad guys. Did we told you this?" Zuma raised his eyebrow.

"I think you guys did...I guess I forgot." Marshall lightly chuckled.

"You nervous to dance with Everest?" Zuma grin, catching him off guard.

"H-huh?!" Marshall stuttered while his face turn red.

"Dude anyone will be able to see it, based off of your reaction." Zuma look around the table before picking up the plate with four full bowls of puppy treats.

"Well- of course I'm nervous! What if I mess up and trip." He bowed his head down.

Zuma saw this and carefully place the plate down on Marshall's back to which the Dalmatian wonder why he did it but didn't move a muscle.

He giggled at the sight and look at Marshall with a caring expression. "Don't worry dude, even if you do trip. That won't mess anything up and heck you sure won't be embarrassing nobody." Zuma smiled.

"Are you sure?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah dude, look around you." Zuma pointed out.

Marshall did what the Chocolate Labrador told him to do and a shock expression appear on his face. He saw a dog walking with his friends before he trip on his paws and fell, they didn't laugh but help him up first before laughing it off with one and another. The pups and dogs around them didn't even pay no mind to it either.

"We don't know much about this party but, it looks like they are okay with clumsy pups." Zuma look at Marshall and saw how happy he is.

"Now, let's get back to the girls before they wonder what's taking us so long." Zuma picked up the plate with four bowls but this full with water.

The girls, Everest and Midnight, were talking with each other for a few minutes before the boys came back from with plates. Zuma set the first one down before grabbing the second plate off of Marshall's back.

"Okay so how are we going to do this? We just dance right?" Everest asked the three.

"Yep, just dance like how we usually do." Zuma answered.

"But there's a problem...I can't dance-" Midnight added.

"Oh that's okay I can help you with that." Zuma smiled.

Midnight blush at his smile and nodded while covering her face with her paws. Zuma giggled at the sight and lifted her head up which made her entire face red.

"While he does that, let's go dance Marshall!" Everest grabbed his collar again with her mouth.

"Oka-!" He got interrupted by Everest pulling him to the dance floor.

With Skye and Warren

"I can't believe they got me stuck with you." Warren rolled his eyes.

"You're still arguing about us working together now? Believe me, I don't want to work with you either. But if it'll help us stop the people that hurt other pups for their own gain, then I'm okay with it." Skye sighed and noticed a big German Shepherd looking at them.

The dog walk up to them with a confused look on his face, Warren got shock about this and quickly got in front of Skye. She wonder why the husky is protecting her all of a sudden, Skye wonder if it's the large dog in front of them and quickly he already answered her question.

"I can't believe it, Warren is that you?" The dog asked.

"Y-yeah" He hesitantly answered.

"Hahaha! Very good...but hey, who is this small pup." He turn his eyes to the cockapoo.

"She's...she's a friend I found when I escape, Destroyer-" Warren block his view from her.

"Oh really? Hm...say, who gave you permission to come here? You should've reported back to our base." Destroyer slightly growled.

"I just wanted to relax a bit! That's all!" Warren jumped, Skye slowly standing behind him and waiting while cold sweating.

The shepherd stared daggers into the pup's eyes, making the husky sweat even more and fearing more for his life. Destroyer suddenly laugh at them which caught Warren and Skye off guard, wasn't expecting him to just laugh.

"Alright kid, I'll let you slide and won't tell your captain. Just go back to base when you're done partying." He ordered Warren but before he could walk away, he say.

"And make sure you take your friend back home before going." Destroyer walks away.

Skye and Warren breath a sigh of relief, the cockapoo walk from behind the siberian husky and turn her attention to him. Wondering who that dog was, she open her mouth and asked the question.

Warren heard her but decided to take a few more breaths before answering her question.

"You probably heard me say his name but I'll say it again, he is Destroyer. He's part of a king's unit." Warren explained to her.

"Wait, King? What does that mean?" Skye asked him.

"Someone with the title 'king' are known to be pretty powerful force to deal with in our society. Which is why pups like us are mainly scare of anyone in their unit, since they are handpicked by them." Warren added on and walk froward.

Skye follow behind him and suddenly got worried about what he said. If one of the members from, whoever this king is, is here then doesn't that mean that king is here too? Wouldn't that be bad for them if that's the case?

The cockapoo pup was lost in her thoughts until Warren called out her name and that made her come back to reality. The two are in front of the poodles that are being watched by two big doberman by their side.

Ryder contacted the pups and asked if they are in position and when they say "yes" all together. The boy proceeded to tell them to go forward with the plan.

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