Chapter 10: The Festival

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Today is the day for the festival, different booths were being set up and workers of the festival testing different games & rides to make sure it works and safe.

The Paw Patrol, along with Ryder, were helping with the festival. They were walking around helping out different people who needs help setting up their booths or with anything else.

Ryder was instructing Rubble where to put the benches at like Goodway asked them to.

"Okay Rubble, this is the last one we have to do." Ryder told him.

"Yes! I can finally taste test the food." Rubble drool a bit while placing the bench gentle on the ground.

"Nice work Rubble! Say, why don't we take a break?" Ryder asked the pup.

"Okay Ryder, want me to tell the other pups?" Rubble said while getting out of his vehicle.

"Yeah, that'll be great help. Thanks Rubble." Ryder patted the pup. Rubble wagging his tail with a smile.

"You're welcome, Ryder." Rubble ran off to find the other pups. Leaving Ryder to laugh a little.

"What a good pup" He told himself. He was about to walk away until he heard someone called for him.

Ryder turn around to see Mayor Goodway, waving at him while walking up to the boy.

"Hello Mayor, you want something?" He asked, wondering why the mayor want him.

"Hello Ryder, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and the pups help." Goodway compliment, making the boy smile and fully face her.

"Thank you for the compliment, mayor. But me and the pups are just doing our job." Ryder rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh no worries Ryder, I just wanted to thank you. Oh! That reminds me, I have something for you and the pups. How many members you have?" She asked, opening her purse and going through some things in it.

Ryder start counting the members he have including the cat pack except himself.

"We have 15 members and 3 of them helps us. So there's 18 of us including myself." Ryder answered, seeing mayor goodway taking something out of her purse.

"Here are the VIP passes, for you and your members." She told him while handing Ryder the passes with a smile.

"Thanks, what time you want us to be here?" Ryder questioned.

"7:00 PM, that's when the festival will start." The mayor answered while closing her purse.

"Okay, do you need help with anything else?" Ryder put the passes in his jacket.

"Uhmm" she looked around for a bit before looking back at Ryder. "No, I don't think we need any help but if we do I'll tell you about it. You and the pups are on your break now, right?" Goodway asked.

"Yes ma'am" Ryder answered.

"Well, after you all are done with your break. You can go back to the lookout until the festival starts. I think we can finish the rest on our own." Mayor Goodway told him, leaving Ryder a bit shock.

"Are you sure?" Ryder said to her, making sure she's being certain.

"Yes, I'm sure." Goodway said with a smile, hearing somebody call her name. She was slowly walking away while saying:

"Remember, at 7 o'clock. Don't be late." She mentioned and begin walking away, going to the person that called for her.

"Okay, Mayor. I'll make sure we're not late." Ryder waved goodbye. He then walked off to find Rubble and the pups.

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