Chapter 4: Daily Routine?

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As the sun slowly raise up to the sky making it a bright orange color, the citizens of Adventure Bay were still sleeping except for one pup name Chase who woke up due to a bit of sunlight going in his eyes.

This made him open his eyes slowly with a yawn escaping from his mouth as he uses his left front paw to rub his eyes. After fully adjusting his eyes he would look at his clock that says "6:58 am" which Chase opened his door to his pup-house and looked out the door to see a bright orange sky. He yawned once more before he climb out his pup house and standing on his four paws, he would then stretch for about 10 seconds until he looked around.

"Strange..they didn't show up" Chase said in a confused tone.

He shrugged it off as he turned his body then started to walk towards the lookout. It was a short walk since his pup-house was near the entrance of the lookout. After the young German Shepherd walked in the lookout he could see a young boy who is known as "Ryder" going down the elevator. Chase smiled then walked to the boy when the elevator door opened.

"Good morning Ryder sir" Chase said with a smile still on his face.

Ryder looked at Chase with a smile too as he took a few steps towards the pup to get on one knee to pet the pup.

"Good morning Chase, how are you doing this morning?" Ryder asked as he stood up on his feet and began to walk towards the kitchen, when he reached one of the cabinet he opened it and pulled out a bag of pup kibble.

"It's going great so far and I've had a good sleep so that's good too, you?" Chase asked as he walked beside him then stood by Ryder.

"Hmm same as you and good that I had enough sleep" Ryder said with a smile.

Ryder then placed the bag of pup kibble on the kitchen counter then started grabbing the pup's bowls. He would turn his attention towards the clock which says "7:05 am" then he would turn his attention towards Chase.

"It seems a bit early for the pups to wake up, let them rest a bit, that's okay with you" Ryder asked Chase with a raise eyebrow.

"Yep!, I've actually wanted to take a walk around Adventure Bay if that's okay with you" Chase asked with a smile on his face.

Ryder thought about this for a moment with a finger on his chin then he would look back at the pup with a smile.

"Sure Chase but remember to be back by 7:50, before you go you wanna eat first?" Ryder asked the young pup.

"No I'm good Ryder, I'll eat when the rest of the pups wake up" Chase answered with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Ryder asked in a confused but concern tone.

"Yep, don't worry I'm not that hungry right now anyway" Chase said with a reassuring smile as he began to walk out the lookout.

Ryder watched as the young pup walked out the lookout with the doors sliding shut. This made the boy sigh a bit then place each of the pup's bowl on the ground but leaves the pup-kibble on the counter. He would walk to a nearby chair then sat down on it with his pup-pad next to him, he would pick it up and started searching for a game to play on it. I wonder why he wants to walk around the town this early for Ryder thought in his head as he sigh again.

Chase POV

I was walking down the road that leads to the town of Adventure Bay. When I got onto the sidewalk I could see a few cars passed by me as I continued to walk forward while looking at the sky with a smile. Very quiet and normal, just how I like it I thought in my head as I walked passed Mr. Poter's café.

"Good Morning Chase"

I heard my name being called so I stopped myself then turned around to look at Mr. Porter who was waving at me. I smiled at him and waved back with my front left paw.

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