Chapter 39: Adventure City Mission, New intel on Brody and new plan? (Pt.2)

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In the hidden base Ryder built and where the team are currently staying for their mission. The brown-hair boy is looking through and reading each file about Brody after the duo, Chase and Wolf, sent him info about who the culprit is on a holographic screen hovering over the table. Needless to say he was shocked.   When the boy found out about him and then after reading some files, he was confused but mostly shock and surprise.

Why is he working for the chairman? Is there a reason he's doing it or what? Did he offer Brody something to betray his fans?

The boy was lost in his thoughts until he heard the metal door slide up and then came back down soon after. He turning his body around halfway to face the entrance and saw four pups walking up to him. Those pups are  Chase, Wolf, Maggie and Max. They've came back after finishing their task. Two pups, Wolf and Maggie, walked over to their other instruments they brought along with them as the other two, Chase and Max, went up to Ryder who smiled and waved at them.

"Hi Chase and Max. I've gotten the intel you sent me, great work out there." He complement the pups.

"Thank you Ryder sir." Chase thanked the boy. "Did Leon send you anything about our singer?" He asked as his jump up on the chair near the table.

Max didn't say anything but nodded his head and then jump on the chair on the other side of the table. Ryder faced the table when they did this and nodded his head to Chase's question. He scrolled left on the files and pressed one that brought interest to him and thinks it could do the same for them.

"This is Brody's well-kept secret. Not even the public knows about it." Ryder inform them as two of the same holographic pages appeared in front of Chase and Max.

Both of the pups said nothing and began reading over the information Ryder gave them. As they were doing that, Wolf and Maggie went up to the pups and looked over the pages with them.

The paper read: "On September 24, 20XX at 1.30 p.m during the night. Brody was seen riding along the road in the desert on a full black cruiser following behind a black wrangler. They kept riding until reaching an open spot behind a big bill. They stayed there for two hours before finally departing but in different directions."

Chase look at it confusedly along with the rest. "This was a year ago- who would talk with Brody at this time?"

Maggie kept reading it, over and over, until she faced the boy.

"Is that it? Did they brought up anything else?" She questioned with a almost mad expression, feeling like this paper isn't enough.

"Oh, don't worry. Leon and his team was able to pick up a video camera from the Jeep's dash-cam." Ryder answered as he pressed a button, a video screen popped up in front of the pups.

At first the video was glitching out and not responding to the screen, making a few loud buzzing noise.   A couple minutes later the video finally started playing and a clear image popped up.  In the image they saw Brody leaning on his cruiser with his hat covering his eyes.   After that they saw the truck moved up and down then another big figure came into the picture along with a large lanky figure who stood next to Brody.

"This is the real Brody I'm talking to, correct?" The big figure spoke first.

Brody scoffed at the question. "Yeah? Why the heck are you asking me that?"

𝙋𝙖𝙬 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 - 𝙈𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙬𝙖𝙧 (remade)Where stories live. Discover now