Chapter 15: Zuma vs Alpha Team(4)

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Zuma, standing on his hind legs, moved his front legs down and caused a wave of water to crash down on the time. He land on his paws then dashed straight for the team who's trapped in ice.

He ran close to it and look at the dome. Thankfully they weren't completely frozen but surrounded in thick ice. Zuma thought they couldn't see him so that made him glad but soon later was hit out of nowhere from the side. Sliding against the ground until he stopped himself by landing on his paws.

Jack zoomed at him and hit Zuma again. He dashed back and zoomed straight to Zuma again but this time the Brown Labrador, Zuma, got prepared for this and a wave came crashing down on Jack. Causing him to slip and fall straight on his face.

Warden lift her paw up and froze the wave of water with Zelda sending a electric blast at Zuma. He ducked down then dash straight for the dock with Zelda chasing after him and Jack doing the same.

Jack caught up with Zuma in seconds and before he could body-slam away. He felt the a clash of wind changing his signs of direction, making the German Shepherd crash into a nearby trash can.

He groaned in pain while in the trash can. Warden, Zelda and Noon were still running at Zuma with Zelda in front of them, but it was too late for them as the Brown Labrador jumped off the railing and straight into the water. Three of the pups stopped by the railing.

"Dang it! We have to get ready, Noon. Go near the middle and be ready to summon a barrier on my signal." She told her and Noon nodded then rushed to the middle.

Jack zoomed and stop near the two. "Jack, on my signal you summon a mini tornado and Zelda. You are with me." Warden told them with them nodding.

Jack zoom to his place, before Warden and Zack could. A water tentacle rose from the waters and swung directly at them. Warden and Zelda jumped out the way but Zelda was caught by it with a tight grip.

Zuma rose from the waters as well in a giant water octopus while lifting up the Great Dane. Noon and Jack gasped as Warden lift up her paw again, soon turning everything around her frozen solid. She slammed her paw down to summon an ice pillar that slammed itself against Zuma.

He grunted and sent 5 more tentacles at her. She moved to the side before yelling the signal at Jack. He nodded then started running around in circles, it made him go faster, faster, and faster than ever.

Jack was able to summon a tornado. Soon it sucked up the water, causing the water octopus to swift a bit. Zuma gasped as Warden sent out an ice blast to one of the tentacles, immediately it froze with the rest of the water slowly turning into ice.

Zuma jumped out his octopus before it could turn into ice and landed in the middle of them. He looked at the tornado — Jack made with his speed — then lift his paw towards it. Zuma grin as Jack was lifted in the air which confuse him.

The German Shepherd was surprise to this and got blown into Zelda who just gotten down but got knocked over with Jack on top of him.

Warden scoffed at this and look directly at Zuma who moved the tornado straight towards her. Her eyes widened as she now knows — Zuma can control tornados — Warden quickly turned at Noon and yelled.

"DO IT!!"

Noon stomp her paw to the ground and slowly, a purple barrier surrounded the Brown Labrador and closed in on him. The tornado he controlled, slowly disappeared.

Warden walked up to the barrier with Jack and Zelda by her side. She stared him down while Zuma just growled at her, with his teeth showing.

"So, you can control water, wind and now even tornadoes? That's three out of four. Swamp Devil." Warden announced.

Again, Zuma just kept growling at her and Warden just gave him a smug look. Noon look up to see the black aircraft they came it, disappeared. She was worried and told Warden and the rest about it.

"Wait...what!" Jack shouted and look up to see nothing but the black sky.

Zelda and Warden did the same. They were also shocked to see it gone, now wondering why they left them. Soon they heard a big clash of thunder, looking over to where Chase and the rest were. What they saw made them gasp apart from Warden.

They saw a huge black cloud forming under the place their looking at. After that, Zuma just lightly giggle at this and cause the pups around him to look at him.

"What are you laughing at! SHUT UP!!" Jack yelled.

Zuma stopped and looked at them with a blank stare which scared them a bit. His eye pupils turn to Warden, Zelda, Jack and then, Noon. He opened his mouth and said "You guys really don't know that much about us. Huh?" Zuma asked.

Before they could say anything, Zuma spoke again. "Swamp Devil? And let me guess, Chase is Lightning Bolt. Correct?" Their expressions soon turn into a confuse look.

"Of course, that's the code names you were given based off your power. Did you forget or just stupid?" Jack asked and kinda teased the pup but it didn't faze him.

"Those are our...fake code names"

The four pups were now shocked with their eyes wide open, including Warden as well. What does he mean by that? That wouldn't make no sense. If that's not their code names, what could it be?

"Also you were right about me, you know, manipulating water and wind. But never tornadoes, I only show two." Zuma told them.

"WHAT!!!" They all shouted.

The ground started shaking beneath them as a bunch of seaweed burst from the ground and started wrapping itself around them.

Warden immediately froze it and jump away from it quick, very lucky and experienced pup. Zelda tried to blast them away with his electricity but it only shock him with the seaweed wrapping him tight and lift him up in the air.

Jack zoomed out of it but later was trip by one of the seaweed. He was grabbed by his paws and got lifted up by them. Noon was able to summon a shield in front of her to block the incoming attack, then soon dash for Warden.

Warden froze the incoming seaweed that tried to catch Noon. Both of them look straight at Zuma, who was already free and glaring out the two.

"Two down, two more to go"

Zuma smirked as the water rose up from the ocean and the wind slowly drifted around into a brand new tornado. Warden and Noon got on their guard with Zuma smirking at them.

Slowly shifting to the big ice dome the team was in. Ryder, the pups, Mayor Goodway and the helpers — apart from one — were surprise and shock. They just saw Zuma, the Brown Labrador and water rescuer, using powers against a team of pups they don't know.

"Since when can Zuma use his powers? The meteorite is not even on!" Rocky questioned.

The pups and the helpers had the same question in their heads. Wondering, how could Zuma even use his powers? Or did he had them all along?

Ryder didn't say anything but just watched in shock. He wonder if this is what "that" person was talking about, did he really knew Chase and Zuma?

Or...was Ryder lied to by them.

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