Chapter 21: New Location Pt. 1

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The paw patroller stopped in an unknown area; busses and other vehicles stopping beside or behind them. Chase got out fast with Zuma and Marshall following behind him, the shepherd scan the area. Looking around and grasp the area around them, first he saw heavily armed trucks with soldiers holding heavy weaponry.

He put his guard up, not trusting the situation he's looking at. When Ryder and the rest came out, a pup is walking up to them. The pup looks to be half wolf and rough collie wearing a gray military pup vest with his pup pack on his back.

The pup took a closer look and gasp. He ran towards them and stop in front of Chase, they saw how excited he was when he saw Chase so they were confuse.

"Hey! My name is Wolf! You must be Chase, right?" Wolf asked excitedly and smiling.

Chase raised his eyebrow and open his mouth to say. "Yeah- wait, how do you know my name?" He question.

"I'm sorry about him; he's with us." Leon spoke up and walk next to Wolf, patting his head and looking at them.

"Ah okay?" Chase muttered, Ryder step in front of his pup and decided to ask. "So this is the place you mentioned? Looks really secure to be one." Ryder mentioned and looked behind Leon.

"It's only for you and your town protection. After what happened, we decided to up security so nothing like that would happen again." Leon explained and blew a whistle.

The team turned around to see black trucks going through a gate, which slowly open, followed by busses and later other vehicles. Ryder watched this then told his pups he will find a spot to park the paw patroller and waved the pups goodbye.

They waved back as they saw Ryder walking into the paw patroller and the door closing behind him. Leon walked through a smaller gate along side Wolf. Chase, Zuma, Marshall, Rubble, Liberty, Skye, Everest, Rocky and Tracker follow behind them.

When they were walking and basically taking a tour. Everyone took noticed how there were small abandoned buildings, walking past a few stores with broken glass and torn up paint.

"Woah. How long was this place abandoned?" Rocky asked.

"Great question amigo, looks at how much moss is in there." Tracker pointed out.

They all turned to see a wall full of moss inside a random building. Skye look around and walk next to Chase; deciding to ask both her best friend, Zuma and Chase a question.

"So, how did you guys get those powers?" Skye asked.

Chase and Zuma froze in their tracks, clearly wasn't expecting that question. This cause the others to stop and look at them.

"Actually yeah, what did they do to you guys?" Rocky question, wanting to know and asking the same question everyone had in their mind.

Zuma's body begin shaking with his head facing the ground. This didn't go unnoticed by both Chase and Rocky, Rocky put his paw on his shoulder.

This made his best friend, Zuma, stop shaking and breath in and out slowly. Chase hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up.

" don't wanna know." Chase answered and started walking away.

Zuma followed next to Chase. The others were left confuse and wonder what happened to them. They decided to ask them about it again when Chase and Zuma are ready to talk about it.

The pups made it to where are the vehicles were. Seeing three large warehouses with many heavily armed soldiers standing near the entrance.

Wolf walks up to them with a big smile on his face. He stop in front of them and open his mouth to speak.

"Hey guys, your leader and mine are waiting for you. Only the main six members tho." Wolf told them.

This made them put their eyebrows up, wondering what he meant. Liberty walk up to him and asked him for more info.

" know, the main six? Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, and Skye?"

"Wait, we can't we come with? We're part of the team too!" Everest protest.

"Si amiga, she's right." Tracker agreed.

"I apologize, but by the orders I was given; only the pups I've mentioned can come with." Wolf claimed and turned his head to the side to look at the main six.

Everest was going to open her mouth, about to protest again until her best friend, Skye, stepped in and calmed her down.

"Okay team, you heard what Wolf told us. We have to hurry so Ryder won't wait on us." Chase told them with seriousness in his tone.

Wolf smiled at this and happily is ready to show them where Ryder and Leon were. Wolf and Chase walk away next to each other with Zuma following behind them along with Rocky.

Marshall and Rubble hesitated for a moment before deciding to following them as well. Skye lift her paw up to receive a high-paw.

"Don't worry Everest, we'll be right back!" Skye smiled at her bestie making the husky smile too.

Everest gave the cockapoo a high-paw and after that, Skye ran off to catch up with the rest. The ones who had to stay behind watch them walk out from their view before walking into one of the warehouse where the rest are.

It was a good long walk but they made it to a average size building with small broken windows, letting some of the sunlight in it. Wolf goes up a small flight of stairs and knock on the door three times.

Soon after, a soldier open the door wide for them. Wolf walks in first before the rest of the pups follow behind.

Walking in the house, they saw busted up wooden planks and holes in them and the walls. Wolf lead them into a room where Ryder and Leon were.

They saw a table with six open chairs beside Ryder and another chair which Leon was sitting in, having his hands on the table with a laptop next to him.

Ryder turn his head, smile at them, and then wave his hand. The pups smile back and sat in the open chairs in front of them. Wolf saluted Leon then walked outside the room to guard it.

"Ryder, pups. I brought you here today so my commander can speak with you." Leon tapped on the keyboard for a few minutes before turning it around to face them.

They all face the screen to see a frail but somewhat young old man. He was drinking tea that he made, the man place it gentle on the small table in front of him and looks at the screen.

"Hello, paw patrol. I've been keeping a close eye on you."

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