Chapter 8: A Long-Lost Mentor

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After finishing the festival, the Mayor still had to put some final touches before they could call it a complete build. The Paw Patrol decided to go back to their lookout and if she ever needs them again, she could call them.

The pups parked their vehicles inside the lookout and started resting there. Ryder decided to go into a random room that was installed in the lookout but was never used.

The pups didn't knew why he went in there but didn't put any mind to it. Chase, however, felt like Ryder was hiding something from them. He wondered what and that made him think so many questions.

What Chase didn't know, a pup was calling his name countless of times but after seeing he didn't budge. The pup nudged him and that made him snap out of it then looked down to see Marshall staring at him.

"Are you okay, Chase? You're acting a bit..odd" Marshall pointed out.

"Oh- uhmm, sorry, I was just thinking about something" Chase lied. With a nervous smile.

"Oh, what were you thinking about?" He asked.

"'s nothing" Chase lied again, slowly starting to feel bad about lying.

Marshall looked at him with a raised eyebrow while tilting his head to the side. Chase just looked at him before looking away immediately.

Marshall face turned into a frown while Chase was cold sweating.

" know you can tell me anything, right?" Marshall asked, standing up and placing his paw on his shoulder.

Chase was about to lie again but after seeing that he couldn't get out of this. He sighed before answering his best friend.

"Well...Ryder is acting a bit strange, don't you think?" Chase answered. Marshall getting confused.

"What do you mean? How is Ryder acting strange?" He asked.

"Like, as soon as we came back from building the festival, he went straight into a room that none of us use. Don't you think he's hiding something from us?" Chase admitted to his best friend.

Marshall was shocked and was going to deny it but remembered seeing Ryder going into that room. He sat down and rubbed the back of his head with his paw.

" that I think about it..." Marshall trailed off from what he was going to say.

"I did saw him went into that room as well...but, should we even question it? Ryder always hide his surprises. Remember? Like the new Paw Patroller, the pups and the lookouts?" Marshall pointed out.

Chase thought about it and yes, he could remember all the surprises Ryder made for them. Thinking about it now, he thought of an idea which made him smile.

"Hey Marshall, wanna help me find a gift for Ryder?" Chase asked, the Dalmatian now being more confused.

"Huh? A gift?" Marshall questioned.

"Yep, I'll explain why later so can you help me gather around the pups first?" Chase asked again.

Marshall didn't knew what Chase was going to do but he just smiled and agreed on helping him. After Marshall and Chase gather around the rest of the pups. Chase decided to tell them why he and his best friend, Marshall, got the pups for.

"So guys, remember when Ryder always surprise us and we always get something from him, right?" Chase asked, the pups apart from Marshall agreeing.

"Right, so how about we find a gift for Ryder? By getting him a gift, he'll know how much we appreciate him for his gifts" Chase suggested to the pups.

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