Chapter 9: Chase vs Old Mentor

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Chase was thrown on the ground and gotten kicked in the stomach. Making him flew midair before getting punch in the face again. Sending the pup into a pile of rubble.

"Hah! Can't even keep up? You sure had gotten rusty over the years" Sean told the pup, cracking his knuckles.

Chase slowly got up and breath heavily. Sean was right, Chase did got rusty in fighting over the years. He never had to use his powers before and he never went up against another with powers.

Sean dashed towards him and rolled his arm back. Going for a punch again, Chase seeing this. He sent a lightning bolt coming from his paw. Sean saw it and managed to block it with his arms raise up. He was sent back but stood his guard, slowly raising his arms down.

Chase was running at him and shot out two more lightning balls from his mouth. Luckily the old man swipe thr first one away but got hit again in the chest with the second one.

"Ha! I can't believe your using tricks again! Afraid of using your other powers it seem?" Sean said to him.

Both of his arms lit up again and raised both of them up. Chase, who was now close to him, couldn't react quickly to this and now was bracing for impact.

Sean slammed them both of them down and sent a shockwave at Chase. Making him get sent back once again into a pile of rubble and dirt. The old man rushed at him with his arms still lit up and a grin on his face.

I guess I have no choice.. Chase thought, slowly getting up and stood on his four paws.

The pup's eyes lit up blue and his body start glowing blue with lightning covering him, Chase dissapeared.

Sean smirked while his arms stayed lit and looked around with his eyes.

"So, you're gonna try that move on me? Without even using your extra powers to back it up? Pathetic." Sean told him and immediately turned around.

Chase was there in front of him with his mouth slightly open. He shot out a lightning beam that shocked the old man. Sean couldn't block in time and was blasted away into the ground, making a big boom sound.

Chase stopped his beam and started breathing slowly, catching his breath. He was gonna shoot out another one until he heard somebody calling his name. He stop his body from glowing and turn to the left to see Ryder and a few police officers running to him.

The pup quickly brushed off the dust he had and looked at them like nothing ever happened.

"Chase! Are you okay? We heard an explosion coming from here." Ryder asked, getting down on one knee.

"I'm okay, Ryder sir, I heard it too so I came to see what it was." Chase lied with a cold sweat.

"Well did you find any-"

Ryder was cut off from a large boom that came from underground. Chase, Ryder and the two officers were shock  at this. A few more was heard that made the officers catch on.

"GET DOWN!!" One of them yelled, tackling Chase and Ryder out the way with the other officer dive away to the other side.

Another large boom sound was heard again and the ground where they were standing, came a big chunk of dirt going straight into the air and falling down on them.

They all close their eyes, not wanting dirt in their eyes. After what they thought it was over, they open their eyes to see a big hole in the ground ahead of them.

Don't tell me Chase thought and quickly stood you and ran straight to the hole. "Chase!" Ryder called out bur the pup didn't hear him.

Ryder seeing this, he got up too and begin following the pup from bebind. Chase stop in front of the hole and looked in it.

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