Chapter 12: Festival's Event

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The pups were walking down a path while talking and laughing with one and another. They've been playing different games, getting on different rides and tried out some food that were at the festival. None of them are tired yet so they are looking for another game to play while talking with each other.

"Hey guys, it looks like we mostly played all the games here." Rocky told them and the pups nodded at him.

"True that. You think we should play one of the games we already played?" Liberty asked them. Before Chase could say anything, the pups heard a couple of others called out to them.

The pups looked ahead to see Everest, Tracker, Ella and Tuck, Rex, and Wildcat. They all ran to the pups who excitedly smiled, only Al and Liberty being confused on who the rest of these pups are.

"Skye!" Everest yelled and hugged her which Skye return. The rest of the pups and cat knew they had to introduction to the one who don't know them so that's what they did

After doing that, Ryder came up to them with a smile and look at all of his members who were her. "Hey guys, glad to see you all her." Ryder greeted. The ones who arrived greeted him back.

"Did you guys had fun?" Ryder asked them then they all nodded. It was really fun at the festival for the ones who played games and was able to get on some rides.

The ones who just arrived asked the pups if they can show them around. When they agreed, all of them immediately ran off to play the games again and get on the rides with the rest of their friends. Ryder watched them ran away with a smile still on his face.

When they were out of view. Mayor Goodway walked up to Ryder with a happy expression on her face while holding a clipboard. The young leader noticed her and greeted her with a wave.

"Hello to you too Ryder. Where are the pups?" She asked whole looking around him but didn't see them.

"They are just showing the rest of our members around the festival. I don't know how long it'll take them, but I do know they are having fun." Ryder told her and folded his arms together.

"Oh okay, it's around midnight which means the big event I made will start soon. Do you want the schedule I set up?" Mayor Goodway asked while pulling out a piece of paper from her clipboard then giving it to Ryder.

He accepted it and took the paper. Ryder looked over it and saw the paw patrol are the last performers to perform. He nodded and look at the mayor.

"Thank you for giving me this, Mayor Goodway. I will tell the pups about this." Ryder telled her and she nodded.

She waved goodbye and walk away from Ryder. Ryder waved goodbye too and look around to find the pups. Before he could walk, someone put their head in front of Ryder which surprised him.

"Oh, hey Katie. How's the festival going for you?" Ryder asked her and she smiled then stand straight in front of him. "Hello Ryder. The festival is amazing and I'm having a run time, thanks for asking." Katie said to him with a smile still on her face.

"No problem. Hey, have you seen the pups anywhere?" Ryder asked her and she shook her head.

"No, why? Did something happen?" She questioned but look down to see him holding a piece of paper.

"I just want to tell them the schedule thr mayor gave me. But if I can't find them then I'll just call Chase and he can tell them." He pulled out his pup-pad and tapped Chase's puptag on it.

A couple of minutes later, Chase answered with his face shown on Ryder's pup-pad screen. "Hello Ryder sir, what do you need?" He asked.

"Hello Chase, you mind telling the pups we're performing last?" Ryder asked and Chase nodded through the screen.

"Thanks. Remember to have fun Chase." Ryder hang up and Chase looked up at the pups who were trying to hit the target with the toy lizard.

"Hey guys! Ryder said we are performing last on stage so we should have fun while we still can." He announced and immediately caught the pups and WildCat attention. They smiled at each other and howled while Chase smile too.

"Quick! Hit the target!" Everest told Marshall. He squinted his eyes while aiming the launcher at the target.

After aiming, he pressed his paw down and the toy lizard flew out the launcher and going straight for the target, landing right in the middle. The pups and Wildcat cheered while he gasped.

"I did it...? I did it!" Marshall shouted out loudly. The person behind the tent nodded and grabbed a large soft bear beside him.

He sat it down in front of Marshall which made him smile at it. He went under it and pick it up with his back. Marshall look back at his friends, still smiling, and asked. "So, what else are we doing?".

The pups and WildCat look at each other then back at Marshall. They didn't know what game would be great for them. Chase suddenly got an idea and spoke aloud.

"Hey guys! I got a game we ALL can play." Chase exclaimed to them. Catching their attention as they all look at him.

"What is it, Chase?" Skye asked and Chase just looked at her then at all pups and WildCat. He just grinned at them and say "just follow me and you'll find out.".

Chase told them all and begin running off. They were caught off guard and started chasing him while some are laughing a bit.

After they played their game. The event for the festival has started and everyone started gathering around and getting in the chairs. The performers were backstage warning up while the paw patrol are waiting and looking around.

They were amazed on how many performers came from afar and are excited on how well they can do.

Mayor Goodway came backstage with a few of the festival's helpers along side her. Including Maggie who was beside her. The performers all look at them walk in.

"Hello performs, welcome to Adventure City for those who came a long way to come here. This is the city's first festival, so let's show them a good time!" She said aloud with a smile. The performers didn't say anything but clapped loudly.

When they were done, Mayor Goodway still has something to say. She gestured her hand towards the helpers who stood there with a smile on their face.

"These helpers will help you with anything you need. Except performing with you, but they all were trained to give you medical attention whenever you need it." Mayor Goodway explained and all of them nodded their head.

"Now...remember to have fun!" She told them and grabbed a microphone.  Walking from behind the curtains and onto the stage.

Ryder took a look at the paw patrol who were sitting down and he was confused on why they hadn't leave. "Hey guys, didn't Chase told you when I said?" He asked.

"Yeah but, we realize we didn't want to miss this!" Skye answered. "Yeah. It'll be way more funnier than the fair" Marshall joined in.

"Hmm, okay. As long as you guys are having fun then you can watch this with me" Ryder smiled.

They heard a loud tapping sound and look to see Mayor Goodway making sure the microphone was ready. When it is, she said the first performer name, talent and what they will be doing. She stepped to the side as the performer show themselves.

That event for the Festival has started for them. With a big twist that'll soon come.

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