Chapter 30: Undercover Misson Pt. 4, final

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In the big mansion where a party was held, is now a full on battle ground to whoever lives. Zuma and Midnight are protecting Marshall, Everest, and Skye while Warren kept moving around to not get hit by the laser beams.

Chase is fighting off Beacon, one of the kings, while Warden fights off different dogs with their own abilities. The Chocolate Labrador scan the area with his eyes to see if there was a way out but there wasn't any, he then came out with an idea.

"Guys..when I say run, you run okay?" Zuma whispered to the three pups.

They heard him but didn't understand what he meant, Zuma look at them and swift his eyes to the exit before looking back at the twins in front of them. They nodded and waited for the right opportunity before moving.

Strangely though, nobody move from their position and just watch the pups. The trio didn't understand what was going on apart from Zuma and Midnight, from experience whenever they fight each other. They wait until somebody else makes the wrong or right move.

Seems like luck are on the pups side because when Warren flew past them, Destroyer shot his laser beams at his team while the pups just duck down to avoid it. The twins got hit by the beam and got blasted away into the way while the rest move out of the way.

The German Shepherd realized who he hit but didn't care and kept shooting at Warren. The Siberian Husky landed on the side of the wall and blasted off of it, causing a massive explosion that blew off half of the wall and making the rubble fall down to the floor. The trio took this opportunity and ran away to the exit.

One of the dogs, a Beagle, tried running after them but was stop by Zuma who blasted the dog away with water. The trio made it out of the exit and Midnight blocked the exit with earth columns. Midnight raised her paw and turn it to the left, making a magical glyph on her paws, then started shooting out black smoke at them.

They dodge out the way and a female dog, Border Collie, smiled psychotic like and jumped on a nearby table. She didn't want to fight Midnight but Amber always wanted to fight Zuma. She dashed at the Chocolate Labrador while he was fighting off the twins, not noticing her coming straight at him.

"COME FIGHT ME! ZUMA!!" Amber yelled and threw a punch at the pup.

Zuma duck down and use his two front paws to push his body up, using his hind legs to kick Amber away from him then swung his body around to make a gust of wind. Pushing the twins back but one of them got low and rush at Zuma. Midnight begin muttering out a few spells that cause the whole ground to shake, Zuma smirked at this and jump up in the air. Using the wind to catch him and move him higher up.

The team got confused and wonder what is happening, except Destroyer who stopped his focus from Warren and looked directly at Midnight. He couldn't stay focus if the ground keeps shaking now can he? So his eyes glow red as Amber rushed at Midnight as well with the twins following her.

Before the large dog could shoot his massive laser beam at her, Warren landed on his head and caused him to shoot at the ground before the dog cease his attack. Warren jump on Destroyer's back and release a huge explosion which cause him to be straight planted into the ground.

"Agh! YOU MUTT!!" Destroyer yelled and tried getting up.

However, the dog couldn't, he was confuse why he couldn't move but when he look down he saw half of his body planted in the ground. He growled and his eyes glow red until Warren landed on his hand but this time, releasing a large explosion that even made him flew away.

Before Amber could sent out a blast of fire but she was stopped when her and the twins got hit by a sudden big water pillar. They hit the ceiling, hard, causing some of the bits to fall off and hit the ground. Warren watched in shocked including Zuma who saw Midnight summon two big portals.

The team saw this and immediately got scared apart from Amber, who laughed, and Destroyer, who got tired of this. The German Shepherd had enough and blasted himself out the ground and rushed at her again but this time, his whole body is glowing red.

Warren saw this and flew down while Zuma felt something wrong so he turned his head to see the water pillar he set up begin boiling. He braced himself, seconds later Amber burst through the water with fire coming out of her mouth.

She sent out a blast of fire directly at Zuma, however the pup just smiled and raised his paw up. Soon a giant glyph appear in front of him, the blast Amber sent bounce right back to her which shocked her.

It was too late for her to move when the blast made an impact with her, causing her to crash into the wall and knocking her unconscious. She fell straight in the portal as the rest were suck on it apart from Destroyer who threw Warren at Midnight.

Luckily tho, Zuma came down and caught Warren by colliding his body with Warrens and made sure he didn't hit her.

"What the heck was that! What did you do to Amber!" He demanded a answer.

"What do you mean dude? I don't know what you're talking about." Zuma smirked but that only angered the dog more.

"You know what I mean! How were you able to block her blast! Nobody could do that!." His eyes lit up red as smoke started coming off of him.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about dude. Also, you really need to take a chill pill." Zuma teased the dog.

Destroyer growled loudly as he bare his teeth to the pups, having enough of them and not caring if Zuma is really that powerful. Now he's starting to think it was just a rumor someone started within the organization. He opened his mouth and sent out a large blast, Zuma just grin and put his paw in the air.

Like what happened last time, a giant magical glyph appear in front of him. Warren shouted at Midnight to teleport them out but she said she couldn't if she's not focus enough. Warren was about to yell at Zuma to use one of his powers but when he and Midnight turn to face him, they only saw a giant light.

Soon later the blast connected with the glyph and instead of the blast destroying the magical glyph, it soon went up and destroy the ceiling. Midnight saw the rubble about to fall on them so she yelled out a spell and a dome appear around them. Destroyer just growled and blasted all the stuff away.

When the pieces of rubbles cease to fall, Midnight put the dome down as the dog climbed out the rubble. He was breathing heavily as of now, he's worn out due to using too much of his power.

The three pups walk up to him and the dog glare at them while breathing heavily but gave them a nasty look.

"How did you do it...Prince of-" he stopped mid sentence when a huge rock fell on him.

The pups gasps all together, they never expected this to ever happen at all. But it kinda make sense, since they destroy half of the mansion while fighting with him.

Before anyone could come back to reality and try to reply what just happened. Zuma got a sudden call from his earpiece, asking if they are okay. From what it sounds like, it was Skye who worried if they were hurt or worse...dead.

"Don't worry Skye, I'm good including the rest. I don't know about Chase though.." Zuma told her.

"He's not there with you yet?" Skye asked.

"Uh no, why?"

"He's not picking up!"

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