Chapter 29: Undercover Misson Pt. 3

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The two pups, Chase and Warden, are running down a metal hallway with dozen of guards knock unconsciously on the ground due to what the two pups did to them. They stumbled upon a open hallway with no guards to be seen so they stop close to the wall, moving their body close to the open hallway.

Chase and Warden move their body to the ground like a predator hunting their prey, they move their head to the open hallway and then look left to see four large dogs are blocking a hallway while many other medium size dogs are walking back and forward.

"Four blocking the hallway and eight guarding the rest." Chase told Ryder by tapping his earpiece with his paw.

"I bet that's where we need to go." Warden mentioned and look to the left to see nobody on the left side.

"Okay, Leon will give you further instructions to follow. I'm forwarding it to him now." Ryder told the two pups disconnect the communication.

They waited for a few minutes before Leon connected himself to their earpiece, a few keyboards tapping could be heard in the background before the man open his mouth.

"Okay I got the map pulled up. Also Warden, for what you said before, you are correct; in the next hall they're blocking is all the information we need." Leon told them while watching over his people tapping on their computer.

"What about the guards at the party? Are they distracted yet?" Chase asked, wondering if Skye, Marshall, and Everest are doing okay.

"Yes they are, Marshall, Zuma, Everest, and Midnight are dancing as we speak. They got everybody watching them, with Skye and Warren, Warren couldn't do anything and fail but on the other hand. Skye was able to befriend them and now talking with them now, we're able to get any kind of information we didn't know about." Leon kinda praised Skye while Chase just smiled.

"I knew she could do it." Chase whispered to himself and look down the hall again to see the guards are still there.

"Should we rush in? It'll be way quicker." Warden suggested with a slight grin on her face.

"No, we're going to do a proper approach. There should be a vent around you, you see any?" Leon instructed them.

Chase look around and saw a vent across from where they are standing. He walk to the vent and put his paw up against it, pressing it and move his paw away. The vent open, felling down but luckily Chase caught it with his nose and gently place it down.

Warden saw this and look down the hall again to see if the guards are staying at their post, when she saw they still are. She ran and slid in the vent with Chase following her then closing it with his mouth. 

Leon help guide the pups through the vents, turning off sensor seekers and other little traps they set up in the vents for intruders. The pups made it above the room and look down through the vents to see a dark room.

Chase opened the vent and slowly look around the dark room before looking at the door to see two men guarding the door. Warden jump down and quickly breathed ice at them, freezing them completely and stopping them from making any sudden movement.

Warden look around quickly to make sure nobody else was around while Chase jump on the desk, he scan the area and noticed how it was a office. He turn to his side to see a computer so he walk around it and saw a touchpad instead of a keyboard which confuse him.

"Huh? Why there isn't any keyboard?" Chase talk through the earbud and looked around for the keyboard.

"The poodles don't trust their men so they usually do the work instead." Leon told the shepherd.

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