Chapter 27: Undercover Mission Pt. 1

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In a black military transport truck, driving through the old desert road until they reach their destination. Chase, Zuma, Midnight, Warden and Warren, Marshall, Skye, and Everest are in the vehicle with a huge screen in front of them. The boys are sitting on the right while the girls sit on the left, evening them out.

The pups are all dressed up, with the boys wearing black tuxedos with the girls wearing their favorite color flashy dresses but Warden wearing a white tuxedo. Since they never wants to wear a dress.

They don't know what mission they're going on but if it's plans to stop T.S.S.W then it will work best for them. The only nervous pups in there are Marshall, Skye and Everest; since they never been on this type of mission before and don't want screw up.

Chase look up and saw the nervousness on their face then thought of something to try and make them not nervous. When he thought of something, he open his mouth and asked them.

"Since this is your first type of mission we have together, wanna hear my advice?"

The three pups look up and wonder what he meant until they realize he must have caught on to them being nervous. Not trying to hide it any longer, Everest was the first to ask for his advice.

"Simple really. Just be yourself and nothing bad will happen." Chase told them with a smile with Zuma nodding.

The three look at each other for a few minutes before looking back at the two, it didn't bring their nerves down. But it did help them have a bit of confidence in themselves.

The screen in front of them turn on, catching their attention and making them all stay quiet. Behind the screen is Ryder who's holding stacks of paper in his hand for their mission.

"Hi pups! I'm sorry you wasn't informed before heading to the mission. I'll try to tell Leon about this when I get the chance." Ryder cold sweat and wiped it off.

"So for this mission, you guys have to go undercover and download information off of their computer. Chase and Warden, you have this job."

"What about the rest of us?" Marshall asked.

"Oh it's very simple. You guys just be yourself like Chase said. When you reach your destination, you'll understand what to do." Ryder flipped a few paper before landing on something else.

"You guys will receive earpiece so I can communicate with you on your mission and tell you what else you need to do."

He continued talking with the pups.

"That's all I have to say. Good luck and don't get hurt." The TV turned off when he said that.

Chase, Zuma, Warden and Warren, Midnight sigh about this but Marshall, Everest, and Skye got excited about this. If what Ryder said were true, the mission they're going on is kinda like a spy mission!

"This is going to be a spy mission? Awesome!" Marshall smiled.

"No not awesome! Undercover missions are never awsome!" Warren shouted but Warden hush her brother.

"I'm sorry about him. You see, the last undercover mission we went do I say this nicely.."

"He fell in a dumpster." She giggled and Warren got embarrassed.

"Quiet!" Warren face turn red out of embarrassment.

"Hehe, it was funny though. You had to take bath for weeks." Warden smiled.

"Wait really? How come?" Skye asked.

"When he fell in the dumpster, he landed in a bunch of old moldy ketchup packets." She told her.

"That wasn't funny! It was hard to get out!" Warren laid his head in his paws.

Warden, Midnight and Skye giggled while Zuma patted Warren's head to comfort him. It was a while but they felt the truck stop and its door open by a man.

He pulled out a long case and open it, soon he put each earpiece in their ears before letting them go. When the pups got out the truck, soon the man went back in the driver seat and drove away to a nearby tree with a bunch of bushes.

The pups look up and their eyes widened with what they're seeing, a big mansion with different breed of pups and dogs going inside it. When Chase contacted Ryder and asked him the subject for their mission, he told them all that it's a party for pups.

They got surprised of this but shook it off and started walking up the stairs, mixing themselves in the crowd so they could get through the door. Walking in the mansion, all of them are once again shock to see a large room with different lights beaming down on them.

A Dalmatian with DJ headphones around his neck is playing the music for them with two female poodles sitting in their chair, overseeing the whole party.

Chase saw them and didn't recognize them, he check his surroundings to see nothing but pups either talking with each other, dancing or having fun. Chase signal his team to follow him into a corner where no pups were seen at.

"Okay guys, here's the plan. Marshall and Everest, you guys think you can cause a distraction with Zuma and Midnight?" Chase asked and they nodded with a smile.

"Good. Warren and Skye, do you guys think you can go talk with them." He pointed out at the poodles.

"Uhm. I don't think I can do it- how about somebody else do it?"

"Skye, don't worry. Just be your happy and lovable self, okay?" Chase said to her which gave her confidence.

Warden saw this and frown at the sight. Chase reminded them if they will remember the plan and when they did. Chase and Warden walk up stairs to begin looking around.

"Okay guys, let's have fun!" Everest grabbed Marshall collar with her mouth and took him to the dance floor.

Zuma and Midnight look at each other before walking away to get some drinks. Skye and Warren look at each other too before nodding and walking up to the poodles.

On the third floor, Beacon is watching the whole party from above with his group of assassins drinking or some of them on the dance floor.

"What a lovely party, say, why are we here anyway?" A German Shepherd asked.

"Well, since the poodles always funded us. The boss decided us to watch over them and make sure they don't betray us like the last one." Beacon answered.

"Ah alright." He walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"To the dance floor, why?"

Beacon just laughed at this and the shepherd too. The dog walked away and Beacon look back at the party but say two familiar pups walking around on the second floor. He smirked and slowly walk away, now thinking he's gonna have REAL fun.

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