3- The Date

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A/N Compared to the last chapter, this is a long one...

I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to read this so thanks for trying this fic out.

Adora would never admit it, but she was a little nervous.

Glimmer could probably tell that their talk hadn't made her feel better, because all morning she kept telling Adora how good she looked. She did that all while changing her outfits constantly, which did the opposite effect on Adora's nerves. Seeing Glimmer fret over which skirt to wear didn't make her feel better-if anything, it reminded her that dates were a big deal.

Would she have to lose to impress her date? It shouldn't have mattered, but Glimmer had to be exaggerating how much this girl liked laser tag. If that were true, then surely if Adora hit it off with her, she'd have to suppress her competitive nature. Her need to win was usually something she hid from others till they got to know her, since they usually didn't get it. 

The odds were, this person would be weirded out when she saw how much she loved it. It was geeky, and not in a cool way. Video games were widely accepted nowadays, but laser tag? She'd yet to meet someone who liked the sport before she introduced it to them. 

"You'll be fine," Bow said when he noticed Adora was biting her nails. They were still driving to the mall-Glimmer finally had her license, and she'd been running red lights ever since. Right now she was waiting for a pedestrian, while checking the clock as they shuffled through the crosswalk. "Come on...just walk at a normal pace for once."

Bow and Adora exchanged looks. "Anyway," he said, ignoring Glimmer, "it's not like you're getting married."

"Yeah, but if I'm too good, then maybe she'll think I'm arrogant or something." Adora leaned back in her seat, frowning. "Im good at laser tag. I know it can be off putting, and I'd feel better if-"

Glimmer honked. "Sorry. I was totally paying attention but come on, there's ten of them now." She gestured to a family of five crossing the road. They were moving slow, but honestly seeing Glimmer get mad at a child for being slow was pretty hilarious. Adora and Bow both suppressed giggles. One of the little boys flipped Glimmer off, and she was about to do the same but Bow grabbed her hand instead.

"Maybe I should take over-"

"I know how to drive, Bow."  She put the car in park, sighing as more people crossed the road. "Why are kids so slow?"

"Uh, because they have little legs?" Adora laughed, instantly feeling better.

"Easy for you to say. You're an amazon!"

Bow nodded, gesturing up and down to Adora. It was hard to invision since she was sitting down, but Adora got the picture. She pointed to her heeled boots. "Maybe that's why."

"Your date is short," Glimmer blurted, her eyes never leaving the road. "Even if she wears heels, you guys won't be the same height. If you're an amazon without those heels, then you just made her a dwarf."

"That's okay. I like being tall. It makes it easier to see through the maze."

"That's cheating!"

"No, that's strategy." Adora leaned back in her seat, stretching. As soon as she did, the car began to drive again, and Glimmer was catapulted into heavy traffic. Great... Adora braced herself as Glimmer tensed, watching the road. 

"...you take this game way too seriously. I know you've been going since you were a kid, but can't you just have...fun? You know, instead of being ultra-competitive?"

"I can do both."

She groaned. "Then don't worry about the date. If she can't accept you, she's a dick. I told you that before, and I'll tell you that again: she won't care about clothes, and she won't care about you being competitive."

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