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Hey, so it's been a minute

After the last chapter, I kinda stopped posting - and answering comments - for a bit. Summer has just been crazy these past few weeks, so I didn't proritize posting new chapters. 

After the Promposal, I still worked on a first draft for the next part of Team Catradora-but I needed to finish it first before posting it, because there was a lot on my mind and I needed to put it all down first. I sometimes do that-I write chapters upon chapters ahead until I feel a natural break in the story, and then I go back and edit it before posting. 

Unfortunately...that natural break took about three months to write. 

So, yeah. A new update coming soon, because I just finished it. It needs to be edited, but what's important is everything is written down! So I should be back into posting soon. 

Since I'm back, here's a quick rehash, so you don't have to reread the entire book:

- Adora has contacted her social worker and wants to meet her Grandma, Razz. Her social worker hasn't replied yet. 

- Adora and Catra are at laser tag, because Catra had just invited Adora to Winter Prom

- Adora is seeing her Therapist, Dr. Strong. Instead of talking to them about her parents, she talks to them about her perfectionism, and is trying to not be so competitive

-She has volunteered her and Catra to a round of badminton with Netossa and Spinerella

- Bow hasn't told his parents he doesn't want to be a librarian yet. 

- Catra and her mother have a troubled past. There is a scar on her shoulder she won't talk about, but Adora assumes it has something to to with it. 

Anyway, I'm back. Originally I thought Team Catradora would be ending soon after Winter Prom, but now?

You guys are getting a LOT more chapters. 

So see you soon!

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