58 -Strange

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Two more chapters after this...

I can't believe this fic is over a year old. Thank you for sticking with me! We're almost done <3

Also, happy holidays !

A week later, they were back in school. Adora felt queasy the entire time, shifting between work and worrying about Catra. If she thought she was upset before, when Catra was breaking up with her, now she knew it was only a fraction of the emotions she could physically feel. She just...wanted to know Catra was okay.

They were in a weird space. She couldn't text too often without seeming desperate, but she also wanted to know how Catra was. So she texted Scorpia. Daily. 

Scorpia usually answered right away, but the responses were hard to decipher. "She's okay," she'd text. Or, "In her room," "went to therapy!" "She's good."

Sure, there was a straightforwardness to her replies, but they were always short and vague. "Good" could mean so many things, and besides, even if she seemed good, she could secretly be in pain. Could Scorpia tell? Could Adora tell, if she saw Catra in person?

Maybe she should just text Catra. But Catra would text first if she needed help, right?


It felt like forever before Scorpia had any news. She called in the middle of class. At first, Adora ignored the vibrating in her backpack, but the silent ringing hadn't stopped. After a moment, she checked, and startled at Scorpia's caller ID. Without any warning, Adora rushed out of the room, without a hall pass. She shoved the phone next to her ear. "What's wrong?"

"Adora," A teacher said, their face about to lecture, but the look Adora made shut them up. "Is it important?"

"Yes, it is. I need five." Adora nodded vigorously, and her eagerness in her voice must have been convincing enough, because they left. Surprisingly. She guessed it paid to have a 4.0 GPA, and an (almost) perfect attendance. 

"What is it?"

"Weaver's here. It's clear she needs you."

"She does?" Adora gripped the phone a little tighter. "How do you know?"

"She keeps saying 'if Adora were here' this and that, and is looking at her phone,' she said. "I think she needs someone to contact you first. Can I pick you up?"

"Yes," Adora said. "Let me call my mom."


Later, she skipped school for the second time this year. Angella knew already, and though she didn't fully understand what was going on, she knew it was important, and knew that Adora needed to be with Catra. Angella had offered to come help, and be moral support, but it would have made things worse. No need to make Catra more nervous, and besides, Adora would call if there was an emergency. She would.

At least they weren't meeting at Catra's home. Instead, they met somewhere they had never went before-a fancy black tie restaurant. It was a little jarring to see everyone dressed up while Adora was in jeans. She supposed it was a fitting fuck you to her mom, even if it warranted weird looks from the other customers and staff. 

Catra was there, and she waved to them. Though not as dressed up as the others, she was wearing a dress shirt and pants. In any other circumstance, it would probably have made her heart flutter.

"So," she said, "Scorpia roped you into coming, huh? What if your teachers find out you ditched?"

"Then I get detention, I guess." Adora pulled a chair beside her. Catra had chosen a table in the corner of the room, with four metal seats spread evenly around a round table. There was a doily-like tablecloth overtop the glass counter. Adora swung her feet absently, not quite sure how to fill the silence. She rifled through the menu, and was immediately ashamed that she didn't think to bring a wallet.

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