51 -Hangover Adora

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Adora resolved never to drink again. 

Who knew hangovers were so bad?

Adora had a headache all morning, and she personally hated how bright every ceiling lights was. It'd been ages since she last drank, and now, she could fully understand why. 

At least she didn't do anything stupid, like contact Catra. 

Catra. With most of what's been going on, she'd forgotten mostly about her. Or, at least she'd thought, till the drag show. 

Maybe she could call, just to say hi. Would that be weird? They were on a break, after all. And most likely, Catra'd be at work. It was best not to disturb her, or rush her into making any decisions. Adora could wait. She was good at waiting. 

Adora rolled around in her bed, unsure whether to face the day or curl up under the warm blankets. Usually, she'd be up by now. Heck, she'd have been up three hours ago, at six am! This was ridiculous. Here she was, with Grandma Razz, and she couldn't help obsessing over Catra. Catra was fine! She'd give Adora and answer, and then...

And then...

Well, whatever was bound to happen...

Okay, when was she going to call? Adora checked her phone. Ugh, the lights. Adora groaned. 

"You okay?!"

"I'm fine, Glimmer!" Adora called back. She'd forgotten the bathroom was on the other side of the wall. "I feel totally great, you know? Just let me get ready."

"Great, cause we're decorating cookies today!!!"


Razz was asleep when they arrived, but Aria had let them in early. As they waited, they started their cookie making adventure. Their sugar cookies left a nice, sugary smell that made Adora think of home. As they all worked, Christmas music played in the background, and Adora couldn't help but hum along. 

"I'm sorry you'll be leaving tomorrow," Aria said. "Razz was happy to see you. Really. It's a real treat for her."

"Thank you, it's the same for me." Adora smiled. "I've had so much fun. I'm just...a little tired, that's all." 

Glimmer laughed. 


"Nothing." She sprinkled on boots for her gingerbread man shaped cookie. "Why?"

"Well, you just laughed when I said...oh, I get it now. I may have had too many Shirley Temples," Adora said, which only made Bow and Glimmer grin. "What? They were good."

"I know." Bow was having trouble deciding which set of sprinkles to use, so instead of looking at Adora, he sorted through the sprinkles. "I'm doing a unicorn, so should I go with blue or purple?"

"Purple." Glimmer shrugged. "It'll look better."

"Which would look better for Swiftwind?" He turned to Adora, grinning wickedly. "I'm making Swiftwind."

"I don't know." Adora frowned. "I don't remember."

"Really? Cause I remember my imaginary friends." Glimmer shrugged. "Ludlow, Frodo-"

"Frodo's from a movie," Adora said. "Of course you'd remember what he'd look like."

"So...was he a white unicorn or a brown one? I need to know!"

"Agh, fine...he was white." Adora pulled out the yellow-y gold sprinkles from the sprinkles tray, sliding them towards Bow's tray of cookies. "And this was the colour of his horn. And it can't be Swiftwind, because he has no...wings."

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