37 -Mysticore

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I can't believe my story has over 1000 views. Thank you everyone for giving it a chance <3

They went home shortly after; It was for the best, because Adora needed to act now, before she lost her nerve. It was easy to walk away when she considered the possibility that Razz won't want to see her.

No, she couldn't think like that. That thought, ebbing at the back of her mind, didn't matter. She needed to ignore it, or she'd never attempt to see her. Because as soon as she heard the word Mysticore, and idea popped at the back of her head. She needed to act, now. 

Angella was home, in her study. Once Adora opened the door Angella took a minute to close her tabs. "Hey..." She turned away from her screen, hands over her desk-her usual stance, with perfect posture. "What's up?"

Adora glanced at her phone. "Uh...can I go to Mysticore?"

"Mysticore?" Angella frowned. "That's five hours away!"

"My grandma is there." Her words came out in a rush. "And I know it's a long drive and I'll have to skip school and get time off of work, but I want to do it. I want to see her-and I think I have to go, even if I'm scared to..." she swallowed. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"It's okay." Angella squeezed past the desk to reach her. "Come here. Of course you can go. Would winter break work?"

That was a month away. Adora nodded. "Okay."

"My sister lives there, so we shouldn't need a hotel. I'll call her tonight." She wrapped her arms around Adora. "I didn't know you had family so close! Why didn't you mention it to me?"

"I just found out." A lump formed in her throat. "My social worker told me...I wanted to see her again. But I need to call her first." She laughed. "Hopefully she'll like it if I visit."

"I understand." She ran a hand through Adora's hair. "And I promise you'll get to see her."



She called her when she went to her room, her heart pounding with each number pressed to the pad. Oh, god. There was no answer for what seemed like an eternity. Then there was a muffled, "hello?"

"Hi!" Adora chuckled-why, she had no idea. "Uh, so, uh, is this Razz?"

"No. This is Aria," she said. "Razz's health care aid."

"I'm here on speaker, too, dearie." -the voice made Adora's heart swell. This was such a good day!

 "And you are...?" Aria asked. 


"Adora?" Her voice instantly changed. "As in, Adora Rainbowfist?"

"Of course it's her. I told you, She-Ra will come. She's busy saving the world, so of course she couldn't make dinner."

Oh, so this is what they were talking about. But She-Ra... She heard that name before. 

"I...haven't used that last lame in forever. Or She-Ra." Adora coughed. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten cocky with Catra about her last name. "But yeah. It's me."

"I knew it was. I told her you'd call!"

"She did," Aria said. "I guess I should listen to you more often, huh?"

"So!" Why did she just do that? Adora clutched the phone tighter. "I hope it's ok that I called like this. I just found your contact info-Christine gave it to me, so I hope that's ok."

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