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I just gotta say thanks for reading :) Just saw this book has about 400 reads at the time I'm posting this...it really made my day.

Anyway, let's get to laser tag.

Adora shot children.

She could distinguish loud running-and if she could distinguish it, then they couldn't be far. Not when there was so much noise-screaming, talking, peeing, heck, even the music was a lot to pay attention to.

But those noises didn't matter right now. Ahead, there was stomping, and it was getting louder. Adora peeked her head above the wall and aimed her laser gun.


"Agh!" A kid grabbed her chest, skidding to a stop. "You shot me!"

Her friend, still running, almost toppled over her. "What-no, I-"

"Oh, I'm gonna get you for that!"

They ran so loudly, it drowned out a lot of the nearby noises-

Wait, were they getting louder?

They turned the corner, towards Adora.

It was unmistakable; the kids shirt lit the floor like a disco ball, and so Adora readied her gun.

Adora shot her. She locked eyes with Adora and screamed.

Pew-pew! Adora aimed again, then bolted.

They were faster than she expected-you'd think that Adora wouldn't have underestimated them, but here she was, doing it anyway. She changed directions, zigzagging through the room.

She'd mostly targeted the kids, but occasionally ran into Lonnie or Rogelio. It was kinda nice to shoot someone her own age-even if these kids were easy points.

Adora locked eyes with herself. Through her reflection, there was a subtle shift on the floor.

Adora pivoted. Something shifted an inch, sliding behind the cardboard wall.  It looked like...sneakers?

Adora did the only logical thing: She leaned against the cardboard wall and fired.

There were two targets, and one of them jumped up when she shot them. Seahwak readied his gun, but Adora wa faster.

"Oh, you shouldn't challenge me like-" pew! "-hey, I'm trying to talk here!"

Mermista looked up from her phone, eyebrow raised. "Are you serious?" She said, barely audible in her regular speaking voice.

Seahwak still hadn't gotten a shot in-Adora was too good at dodging-so he sighed, lowering his weapon.

Adora twirled her gun. "Why are you here if you're not gonna fight?"

"Hm, I don't know. Maybe because I wanted to meet these friends of Glimmers'." Mermista sat up a little straighter, as if to put a little distance between her and Sea Hawk. "And he decided to chill with me."

"You know I'd go wherever you-"

"Yeah, yeah."

Seahawk leaned his arm against the cardboard wall, and it wobbled a little under his weight. His vest glowed, startling him (and shaking the cardboard as he readied his gun).

Adora rolled her eyes. 

"That's Catra," she groaned, vaguely pointing upwards. "I have to get more points-" she readied her gun, and Mermista rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." Mermista shrugged, not batting an eye at the shots. She raised her voice over the noise. "I thought you weren't competitive."


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