35 -Trap?

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It was only when Adora told Glimmer about Catra's cryptic note that she remembered that she works on Fridays now. About a day later, Catra called, anyway, to inform, "Mermista told me you got my note."

"Yeah." Adora was in the middle of doing homework, so she tapped her pencil against the kitchen table's surface. "But I work that day."

"Oh," she said. "Thursday, then?"

"Thursday." Adora nodded. "What's going on?"

"You'll have to trust me."

"Okay." Adora leaned her back against her seat. "That's not ominous at all."

She laughed. "Just do it, okay?"



Adora brought her sword. It was in her bag, lodged between two surprises she had for Catra. There were a few things she brought, stuffed in her pockets and purseIn the middle of the day, Catra texted, saying to come during closing. Adora did, barely making it t, one being her trustee plastic sword. She felt safer with it, even though it was probably more breakable than glass. 

Maybe she had overprepared. Adora had tried, throughtout the day,  to not let it get to her, but the more time she was left waiting, the more Adora's mind wandered. 

What was Catra planning? She knew the laser gym inside and out. If something changed, she'd recognize it. 

Adora opened the door, to find a new employee mopping the floor. She waved. "Hey...is Catra..."

"She's inside." They pointed towards the entrance into the gym. "Have fun!"

Adora pushed the doors open and startled. There was no music.

...What was going on?

"Catra?" Adora's voice echoed. Her grip tightened on her laser gun, and she approached each turn slowly. Every step she made was so loud, and she hated that she could hear herself but not Catra. 

Was she not here yet? She could be waiting till Adora entered to surprise her. It's what she would have done. But of course, it had to be when Adora wanted to be less competitive. 

Everything was in place. 

Still...if this were a spy movie, Adora would be stepping on a trip wire by now. 

She shone her phone on the ground, light reflecting off black floors. Ugh. She turned, and-

Aha! Something was on the floor. She shone her phone's flashlight overtop a white pile of rose petals. 

Rose petals?

That wasn't at all what Adora was expecting.

Adora poked a petal with her foot, only for nothing to happen. Huh. Guess it wasn't a spy movie after all.

What would be the smart option, here? Follow, and fall into a potential trap, or stray from the plan and miss Catra? Catra could hear her steps regardless. 

She followed. 

There were more roses. At first, Adora had assumed they were real, but after closer inspection, realized they were all paper, crunching under her sneakers. They didn't tear, like Adora had thought they would, instead fraying a little if she stepped on them too many times. Luckily, they were white, so she saw them better against the black floor without needing to shine her flshlight directly over them. 

Walking over the petals was difficult-she was careful not to trip over them, and to be quiet while also listening to her steps, hoping she'd hear Catra's.

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