25 -Mediator

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"Come get me," Glimmer said, her voice sounding funny.

Adora rushed towards the mall entrance, clutching her phone tightly. "What's wrong?"

Catra stepped on her cigarette butt. She followed, mouthing, "what's wrong?" but Adora just shrugged.

"Bow and I had a fight. I...don't want to be alone."

"I'll be right over. Where are you?"

"The food court bathrooms."

They got inside, scanning the court for her. Adora rubbed her arms as she walked, still chilled from being outside. Catra, too, had her hands in her pockets as she looked around aimlessly for Glimmer. 

Glimmer was by the entrance, back against the wall. She was staring at her phone.

Adora wrapped her arms around her. "Hey. You okay?"

"I'm fine." Glimmer ran a hand through her pink hair. "It's just...it's a lot."

"I'll get us some drinks." Catra was took a step towards Starbucks (she really loved going there, didn't she?). Before leaving, she hesistated, giving Glimmer a once over. "You good?"

Glimmer gave her the thumbs up, and Catra quickly left. Adora gestured to the bathroom. "Should I get you some toilet paper?"

"I'm fine. I'm not crying" She gestured to her perfectly made-up face. "Just overwhelmed. We were talking, and then I left, and it all hit me: all this time, I've been hiding that we were a couple, and he's been suffering for it."

"I've talked to him-he said he doesn't blame you-"

"I know, but," she said, "I promised I'd tell mom tonight."

Was she joking? 

No, no she wouldn't be. Besides, Glimmer's expression was set, so she had to be serious. Adora shifted her seating position. Suddenly leaning against the brick wall was stiff and uncomfortable. She wasn't upset over her decision, but at the same time, she didn't want Glimmer to do anything she would regret later. So, Adora wrapped an arm around her. "Are you ready for that?"

"I don't know." Glimmer dropped her phone into her lap. As she spoke, she made elaborate hand motions. "He didn't ask me to. But seeing him get so upset over this, I want to do it. It's time to rip that band-aid off. What's the worst that could happen?" She laughed. "Aside from everything changing?"

Adora squeezed her, and Glimmer squeezed back, a little too tights. "Hey," Adora said. "Mom's gonna be okay. Why are you so worried?"

"There's so much to worry about. It's my first relationship. I'm already scared that things'll fail, and I'll lose my best friend." Glimmer put her hands between her knees. "And then I'll tell my mom, and if things don't work, will she treat Bow differently? Hell, will she treat him differently now that we're dating?"

"She definitely won't let you guys have closed doors."

Glimmer jabbed her. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

She rolled her eyes. "I know I joked about keeping it a secret cause of the whole closed doors thing..."

"A lot."

"A lot." She looked like she wanted to do another eye roll, but held it in. At least she was smiling now. She crossed her legs, shrugging. "But seriously. Aren't things different between you and Catra now that you're dating?"

"No," she said. "She's still Catra and I'm still me. And mom was fine with us, a gay couple. She'll be fine with you."

"I guess. No, I know you're right. I'm being ridiculous. I just...I just wanted things to stay the same for a little while before I told her. And that backfired." Her gaze fell to her knees. "I'm nervous. Oh, god, why did I decide to keep a secret? I'm terrible at this."

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