36 -A Phone Call

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"You signed us up for badminton? I thought you were trying to be less competitive."

Adora and Catra wandered past store after store. Clothes, jewelry, and heck, even video games were displayed, but they weren't interesting at all. Adora doubted that even Glimmer could convince her to shop, not after such an amazing proposal. Her heart swelled at the thought of it. 

Catra invited her to winter prom! 

"Well..." She grinned. "I mean, yeah! I met this girl at work, and she's so good at badminton, and I couldn't help myself."

"But I thought you were trying not to be competitive." She poked her shoulder. "I'm pretty sure that's the definition of competitive."

"Well..." Adora said, "I made her promise not to score the game."

"She's lying." Catra slipped her hands into her pocket. "If she's as good as you say, then she's totally going to score the game. And judging by today's laser tag adventure, you're not gonna like it."

"Way to have faith in me." Adora rolled her eyes. "I'm not even going to practice beforehand. Cause it's supposed to be fun, and I'm supposed to be not...intense."

Catra gave her a knowing look. 


"Nothing," she said, smirking. "It's just, you're the most intense person I know."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" Adora frowned. "Considering you know Scorpia, and Glimmer, and Bow, I must be pretty intense. I mean they're awesome, but I always figured they were way more intense than me. Hell, I think you're pretty intense too."

"Oh really?"

"You made your promposal into a game of laser tag."

"Oh, right." She facepalmed. "I'm not usually like this, you know. Normally, I don't show my feelings and shit."

Adora laughed. "Well, you should do it more often! I think you're pretty good at it, you know."

"Oh, do you?" Catra couldn't help but share her grin. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind the next time I wanna give a one word response to someone."

"Like me?"

"Like everyone," she said. "Like when I get up in the morning, and I have to get ready for work, I just wanna lay in bed. It's always then that Scorpia's up, singing broadway tunes. I've never seen Cat's, but I swear I know 'Memory' by heart." She rolled her eyes. "And then I get to work, and my boss expects me to be happy to be there, even if he's telling me I'm doing everything wrong!" She sighed. "Ugh, maybe I am the intense one. Sorry."

"It's fine. Maybe we both are." Adora slowed her walk, since there wasn't many people around to bump into. She leaned against the wall, next to a shop window. "So uh, not a big fan of your boss?"

"No." She frowned. "And the feeling's mutual."

"That can't be true. You're hired for a reason."

"Yeah, cause Scorpia recommended me." She swallowed. "Without her, I'd probably be working in the Crimson Waste or something."

"Why the Crimson Waste?"

Catra shrugged. "Small town. Less people hiring, so my lack of experience wouldn't have been a problem."

"Ah." Adora sat, arms hunched over her knees. "I'm glad Scorpia got you the job, then. Otherwise, we couldn't have met."

"Maybe." She knelt next to Adora, her body close to the wall-there were a few people walking by, so she and Adora had to make sure nott o pop their legs out, lest they risk tripping someone. Cata's shoulders bumped into her, and she smiled. "And you would still be missing me."

"I would."

"..." Catra leaned her head against Adora's shoulder. "Me, too."

"Aw-" Her phone rang, cutting off Adora's train of thought. She shoved it deeper in her pocket, but it was still vibrating. 

"Are you gonna answer that?"

Adora made a face, but checked it anyway-after all, it could be Angella. Turned out, it was an unknown number, and she sighed. "Probably a scam." She pressed the phone to her ear. "Hey?"

"Hi, Adora. This is Christine; I have your grandma's address, if you'd like to hear it."

Adora's heart stopped beating. 

Er, well, no it didn't. Then she'd be dead.

But she was sure it had skipped a beat, or something. She swallowed. "You...you have Grandma Razz's information?"

"Yes," she said. "She lives in Mysticore. She still has her home phone, so I can get your her number, if you'd like. I've spoken to her and her health care aid, and they think it would be good to see you."

Mysicore? Wasn't that a day's drive away? 

"That'd be wonderful." Adora smiled. She looked over at Catra, who removed her head from Adora's shoulder. What is it, Catra mouthed.

One minute, she mouthed, and turned back to the phone. She cleared her throat. "Can you text it to me? I don't want to forget it."

"Of course." Christine paused. "Be prepared before talking to her, okay? She's older, and..."


She sighed. "And she gets confused sometimes. But it's hard to tell if she's serious or not."

"Why would she joke about that?"

"Well, it sometimes seems like she eggs you on. She asked me if you still had your pet unicorn, for example. And if you found the heart of Etheria yet."

Adora's eyes widened. "You know, that feels really familiar. I think it's from some games we used to play when I was little."

"Oh," she said. "Okay, then. I'm glad I could help you find her."

"Me, too." Adora couldn't believe it; And to think, she almost ignored the call! Her stomach was tight; this was really happening. She'd thought she'd have more time to prepare mentally, but she didn't. Not unless she sat on this information. But that was also impossible. She had burning questions, and sitting around wouldn't give them an answer. 

But this...

This was her chance, and there was no way she could pass it up!

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