10- Introductions

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Here's a short chapter before the next longer chapter <3

Adora was a sore loser, even if she didn't want to admit it. But as much as she hated losing, it was clear that she needed to focus on laser tag later.

Clearly, more important things were going on.

Catra speed walked ahead of her, moving gradually faster every time Adora matched her pace. Honestly, it was hard to keep up. She was still out of shape after laser tag, after all. Adora honestly just wanted to sit and catch her breath.

Eventually, Adora asked, "What can I do to calm you down?"

"Nothing," Catra said. "Why would you think somethings wrong?" Finally, she stopped walking to look Adora over. Her face changed, from unreadable to surprise. "Do you need a break?"

"I-yes?" Adora rubbed the back of her neck. "Don't play dumb. I know you."

"Sure you do." Catra shrugged, glancing around the mall. They passed a few clothing stores, which only made Catra stiffen. "You're exhausted. Why is there nowhere to get a drink?"

"I'm not exhausted," Adora lied. "I don't need water. Don't worry about me."

Adora was practically jogging to keep up-considering she'd been tired a few minutes ago, it left her feeling sweaty and tired. She lagged a little, and now, Catra slowed down for her.

Catra was looking at Adora differently than before, and though there was an awkwardness in their conversation, it was different than before. Catra even patted Adora's arm. "I'm gonna head home. Wanna get a drink on the way?"

"Okay." She thought about bringing up Catra's mother again, but clearly, she was getting nowhere with that conversation. "Thanks."

They walked in silence till they were in the parking lot. It was still cold out, so Adora and Catra both shoved their hands in their pockets as they searched for the vehicle. Catra had been at the mall when Adora was there, so she had no idea what it looked like till Catra pointed it out.

When they found it, Adora immediately stiffened.

Someone was inside Catra's car.

Adora did the only logical thing: she got into a fighter stance, raising her fists as she approached the vehicle. She glanced around for any weapons the person had in their hands.

Immediately, the person-er, woman- gave Catra a weird look, and Adora nearly flinched. Shit. Lowering her arms, she said, "you know her, don't you?"

"Yeah?" Catra gave her a weird look. "You feeling okay?"

"I just thought..." Adora panted. "I didn't recognize her-"

"And so you assumed she was a stranger. A stranger in my car, no less."

"Pretty much, yeah."

She grimaced. "Wow, you must expect the best of little, ol' loner Catra, who has to rely on her bestie to make friends, cause she can't on her own."

"I'm sorry?" Adora glanced between her and the lady. "If I'm startled, I sometimes react like that."

"Shit, I completely forgot about that." The tension in Catra's shoulder's relaxed. She slid her hands into her pockets, grimacing. "You're still doing that?"


"Wow, I can't believe I forgot that." Catra rubbed her temples. "I remember now; you could never get hit by a dodge ball, you were so jumpy." She laughed nervously.

"Yeah..." it was Adora's turn to get jumpy.

"My mistake," Adora said, her voice quiet.

The woman shrugged, turning Adora's attention towards her. Wow, she looked good. Especially compared to Adora. Her hair was cropped short, red streaks dyed through her hair. It covered part of her face, so she pushed it out of the way to look at Adora.

Adora had a ponytail tucked into her hair, strands falling in front of her face. She was a sweaty mess. Whoever this was looked way nicer than Adora did.

It wasn't just the fact that she had a nicer, cleaner haircut. Considering that she was much taller than Adora, Adora immediately felt offput. Adora was too used to being the tallest person in the room. And now, this big, buff lady, was here to pick Catra up-

"Is this Adora?" She smiled, her serious expression dissolving. Suddenly Adora was in her arms-she almost didn't register it was a hug until she was lifted partway off the ground.

Adora patted her shoulders. The lady paid no attention. "I'm Scorpia. Catra told me so much about you."

"Has she?" Adora couldn't help but glance at Catra, who's face was as red as a tomato.

Okay, maybe looks weren't everything.

Finally, Scorpia was let go of the embrace, and Adora leaned against the black car, raising an eyebrow at Catra.

She was much colder now that Scorpia let go of her, the harsh wind canceling out any body heat between the two of them. It was no wonder that Scorpia waited in the car, when Adora's hands felt a little stiff from being outside for five minutes.

Catra hurried into the vehicle. "Let's go. You coming, Adora?" Catra practically yelled to be heard through the car. She leaned her head out the door, which wasn't closed yet. Warmth emanated from the door. "I have a long day tomorrow. And Scorpia has a test to study for, so we should really be going."

"Yeah. It was nice meeting you." Scorpia shook Adora's hand. "It's awesome you're back in her life. Feel free to message me if you ever want to hang with all three of us-"

"All three of you?"

"Didn't Catra tell you? Me, her, and Entrapta are roommates."

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