48 -Reunion

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Though the words were hard to accept, Adora felt better after listening to them. It was better than hearing that everything would be okay with her and Catra, when she knew there was no promise of that. They both needed time to figure out what they wanted. 

Angella and Adora stayed in bed. Adora switched over to Netflix. Glimmer came in, and without questioning anything, she sat beside Adora. By the end of their third movie, they finally got on with their day. It was good to lie around, before everything changed. 

Because she needed to pull herself together, at least so she could see Razz. It was Winter Break, finally, and she had to see her. She needed to see her. And after her first day off work, she left. 

Glimmer, Bow, and Angella came with. It was a five hour drive, so she did homework while waiting, trying to silence the part of her brain that wanted to obsess over Catra. Still, she kept her phone nearby, just in case she texted.

It could happen.

"You excited?" Bow asked at one point, while Glimmer was singing along to Adele. 

"Yeah." Adora played with her hands. "A little nervous, though."

He patted her shoulder. "That's normal. But we're all here if you need us."

"I know." Adora smiled. "I'll probably feel better once I see her."

As they drove the sun dipped behind the passing city buildings. There were a lot of towns outside Brightmoon, with the occasional stretch of land. The closer they got to Mysticore, the more the road went on an incline, and Adora could feel the pressure in her ears, willing to pop. 

Glimmer offered her gum, so she kept chewing. It wasn't until she was used to the pressure that her ears felt better. 

Mysticore was beautiful.  The houses were a deep purple, all on different slopes and layers. It was awesome, seeing the buildings from so high, towering above her on a granite like hill, then suddenly she'd look down, and the buildings below seemed so small.

"This is so cool," Adora said. "So close to Brightmoon, but it's so different..."

"My dad's have books on the history of this place." Bow grinned from the backseat. Adora turned to face him, her stomach facing the car's seat. "Its landscape has changed over the years-some hills were built out of bags and bags of dirt, and some were dug into to make room for houses. And of course...the weather has changed things too."

"Yeah..." Adora shook her head. "I'm surprised you're not videoing this, Glim."

Glimmer plucked lint off her jacket. "I've been here so much. My Aunt Casta lived here when I was younger, so the beauty...it's familiar." But she grinned. "You're pretty excited, though."

It was true; Adora's textbooks were now pushed under her seat as she gazed out the large window.

"I need you guys to move so I can see behind me," Angella said, and they moved to their respective windows. Adora watched them fly by like bees. She was so absorbed in the surrounding, that she almost didn't feel anxious when they got to the Razz's home. 

Adora reached the doors in slow motion. She was unaware of her body, moving seemingly out of her will. Bow and Glimmer were on opposite sides of her, and she could almost feel their breaths being held. 

She knocked. 

Two heartbeats later, it swung open, and a girl was there. She looked about thirty. "Are you Adora?" She asked. 


"Perfect! I'm Razz's home care aid." She shook Adora's hand. "I was just helping her bake. Razz! Adora is here."

"Mara...?" Her voice was so familliar. 

Mara. That name was so familiar. It fit in Adoras mind like a key to a lock. She'd heard it before, spoken by this person. Their figure appeared in the doorway, and Adora was a kid again. Somehow, she felt like crying and hugging her simultaneously.

A nudge from Glimmer brought her back. She blinked, taking in her glasses, and her gray hair and smiling face.

Adora waved. "Grandma?"

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