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They entered the maze.

Everyone separated, scattering in multiple directions. Adora, however, stayed in place, contemplating which path to take. She listened, trying to gauge where people were hiding.

Bow and Glimmer had to be together, so that left Catra by herself. And most likely, Catra would be chasing them-

Behind her, the floors creaked. She turned, aiming her laser gun.

Catra chuckled. "I'm not here to fight, dummy." She knocked Adoras weapon sideways, and Adora let it drop. "I just want to check out my competition."

"Yeah, right. You want to psyche me out."

"Is it working?" Catra had to practically yell over the music. Carly Rae Jepson was playing-it was almost funny to hear "Call Me Maybe" considering that they were technically on a date.

A date. Ha. Her and Catra were just friends, right?

Adora cleared her throat. "I know this is supposed to be a...a date. But if you don't want to, then I get it. I mean, I barely know you anymore-"

"Woah." Catras gaze softened. "We're just having fun, adora. Don't worry about labels."

Adora aimed her gun at Catra and grinned. "I'm not." She aimed for her vest, but Catra barreled past Adora, running up the stairs.

The layout of the place was different than people usually expected. It was long, like a maze of cardboard cutouts, with long structures to shoot on top of. Those structures all had stairs and ramps.

As Catra climbed up one of the structures, Adora ran after her.

Mirrors lined the walls, and from the corner of it, Adora jumped. But the only person she caught was her own reflection.

And then her vest glowed white.

"Gotcha." Catra hid behind a cardboard wall, just to poke out the opposite direction she entered and shoot again.

Adora chuckled, and shot at her again. Their guns made pewing noises, back and forth. It was non-stop. They chased each other, continuously fighting.

Eventually, they were at a dead end.

Adora lunged at Catra, and slipped, knocking them both to the (non cardboard) wall. She was on top of Catra, who stiffened. She was about to push Adora away when Adora stared to back up. When that happened, Catra relaxed, not daring to move.

Catra was panting. "Nice moves."

In the background, the sound of shooting sounded. Catra chuckled. "You should see me in action."

Adora paused, and she wanted to lean in. They stood, paralyzed. Adora eventually cleared her throat. "If all of the reunions I pictured, I didn't think it'd be a date, but now..."

Catra raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's silly." She cleared her throat. "But I think it makes sense. I mean, if you want to-I'd never want to do anything without your permission-"

"I know. You'd be way too guilty if you did something without my consent." She laughed, a sound that purred through her chest. Adora waited for her to say something, to confirm that they both liked each other.

"Are you checking me out?"

"Maybe." She laughed. "I-"

Their vests glowed white, and Catra and Adora flinched, brought back to reality. They untangled themselves from each other, just to find themselves being shot at. "Run!"

"Now we're even!" Glimmer shouted, laughing. Her voice was faraway, but Adora could see the light reflecting off Glimmer's sequins. She couldn't have been far.

"Look!" Catra pointed to one of the structures, and are enough there she was. Glimmer, hiding behind a wall and the holes punched through it, aiming right at them. 

If their plan was to distract Catra and Adora with each other, then they certainly succeeded.

Catra and her shared a look. "What do you say about teaming up, just this once?" Catra didn't wait for her to answer, instead rushing towards Adora's friends.

Adora followed suit.

This was going to be good.

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