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"You've finally awakened..."

A girl with ashy-purple hair up to her shoulders sat up, looking around to see a familiar room.

The room she was killed in.

She abruptly stood up into a crouched position, glaring around the antique room.

"Alert as soon as you wake up, what a fine trait..."

The girl snarled as a middle-aged man ambled up to her, "you... You're the one who killed me."

He simply shrugged, "to give you a better life. Welcome back to Earth, although I wouldn't say you are alive anymore."

The girl was taken aback by what he said, "then what am I?"

He chuckled deeply, "don't you remember what happened to you?"

She thought and thought, until her eyes widened at him in realization.

He smirked seeing her reaction, "Sakura Miyawaki, I hope you'll easily settle into your new... vampiric state."

Sakura stood up straight, "you... you turned me into a vampire??"

The man smiled, "why yes I did... Times have changed since you've fallen into a deep slumber..."

The Japanese girl looked around her, "where am I? What are you going to do with me?"

He chuckled, "no need to fret, I won't harm you... You will be a fourth year student here at ENOZI, I'm sure you'll fit in well here."


The man nodded, "I am the head of this high school... And I'd like for you to pretend to be my daughter from now on."

Sakura took a step back, "why should I listen to you?"

She gasped as he reformed right in front of her, "do not try to run... Listen, and I will make sure no one hurts you... Vampires are still hellish creatures to everyone else... Even if many moons have passed."

"W-what... time is it... How long have I been asleep for?"

The man smiled, leading her to the door, "it is the year 2020, you've been sleeping for around three hundred years."

"T-three hundred... years..."

He shrugged, "although you are still your eighteen year old self. You may explore if you will, students are still asleep at this hour so it'd be best if you were quiet. I will summon you once more in a couple hours time to help you settle into your new home."

He gave her once last, chilling look, "and if I see you try to run or expose my identity, not only will you make a fool of yourself, but I will make sure you will burn in the most painful way possible."

He then smiled again, "oh and, don't worry, the sun won't burn you, but it may get irritating at times."

Sakura gulped, unable to do anything but nod as he sent her out of the room into a long hall.


She sighed as she glanced around, beginning to walk to halls of ENOZI as the sun began to peak in the distance...

~ ~ ~

A/N: Hello everyone, just wanted to say for starters that I'm the same Minah from AsianFanfics, I just decided to start posting my stories on here too... 

I took inspiration from BNHA but many of the quirks, and all of the scenes are my own imagination.

The story in itself is not violent, but there will be some violent scenes later on including a little bit of blood, however I'll always put a [M] or [TW] warning at the title of the chapter if there is any of that stuff :)

ANYWAYS, I hope you all enjoy this IZ*ONE fanfic I created, and continue to support the girls with whatever they do <3

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