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Yujin slumped onto the bench next to Wonyoung, leaning her head back as she gulped much needed air.

"You're that tired? I thought you were good at running."

The puppy glared at the bunny, "I ran one mile every month back then Wonyo-ah, this is two and a half miles, in the cold."

Wonyoung chuckled as she took a sip of her water bottle, handing it to the puppy who gratefully accepted it.

"You had a pretty good time though."

"No I didn't."

"I meant your running time, not how you felt."

Yujin shrugged, "true... Yours was good too."

The first-years had a taste of high school PE, but who knew it'd be this hard. They both wondered if it was different in a normal, public school...

"Do you think Nako-unnie's cat-like abilities would help in PE?"

Yujin pointed to the other side of where they sat, "seems like it. Hitomi's over there practically dying while Nako seems fine... Sort of..."

The younger girl glanced over, seeing the second-year Japanese girls sit on the ground, or well, Hitomi laying on the ground.

"Oh jeez, I hope they're both okay, didn't they run four laps instead of three?"

The puppy nodded, "yeah, they did."

"Class, round up again."

The two maknaes stood up, stretching their limbs as they walked over to their teacher with the rest of the class.

On the other hand...

"My legs, I can't feel my legs."

Nako gazed at the platinum-blonde haired girl, "shake them out?"

Hitomi did as the shorter girl suggested, continuing to lay on the grass.

Nako felt annoyance quickly creeping into her, so she brushed away strands of Hitomi's hair from her face.

"Hey, you did great though! Sorry if I was going too fast..."

She let out a puff of air, "it's fine Nako-chan, I need to get better at running anyways."

The older girl grinned, "hey, why don't we go buy some bread afterschool? My treat since you ran so well today."

Hitomi slowly sat up, glancing over to her, "really?"

The cat-like penguin nodded enthusiastically, "yeah! Or well- I'd treat you to the nearby cafe anyday but you know- ... Yeah."

"Yeah... Thanks, Nako-chan."

The duo bursted into smiles and giggles, Hitomi already feeling better, and Nako feeling even better than her because of both her own happiness, and Hitomi's joy showering into her.

~ ~ ~

A particular girl with short, purple hair walked around the school grounds, not really knowing what to do.

Then she heard a familiar voice inside one of the rooms, and she peaked inside since the door was ajar.

"You've been practicing, right?"

"Sort of? Sorry, final exams got me busy studying and all that."

The teacher chuckled, "it's fine, let's begin."

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