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"Nako, Hitomi, Hyewon, let's go."

Hitomi and Nako have been spending more time in their home country after graduating from ENOZI Academy, but of course, they had to visit Korea for their younger friends' graduation. So with nowhere else to stay, Eunbi and Hyewon let them crash for a few days with them leaving the day after tomorrow...

The eldest of the group grabbed her keys, the other three girls following Eunbi to her car.

"Did those two get taller?"

Hyewon sighed as she nodded, "yup, an inch or two when I saw them a couple months ago."

Nako put her head in her hands, "god Jihyo please lend me some of their inches."

Hitomi giggled as pat the older girl's head, "you'll be okay Nako-chan, you're fine as you are."

As the brown-haired girl cutely grinned, the two up front smiled, talking amongst themselves.

"They've grown so much, all of them."

Hyewon smirked, "yeah, your 'babies'."

She softly chuckled, "I still remember your reaction when you found out Yujin and Wonyoung were dating."

Eunbi rolled her eyes, "I was shocked okay?"

"Yeah yeah I know, I was too."

~ ~ ~

"Unnie I can put it on by myself."

A certain hamster pouted as a blonde duck put a helmet on her girlfriend, the older girl giving Yuri a peck on the lips as she buckled the strap.

"I want to do it for you, Yuri-yah."

The said girl flustered as Yena patted her shoulder, thankful that she was busy putting on her own helmet to notice her blush.

Yuri swung her leg around a vehicle, firmly wrapping her arms around Yena's waist as the duck started the engine.

"Ready Joyul?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Let's go~"

The younger girl's hug tightened as the motorcycle sped up, although she slightly relaxed from Yena's smooth driving to their destination. She took a glance up from Yena's back, grinning as she watched the scenery pass by, wind blowing against both of them...

~ ~ ~

"Are you driving?"

"Yeah, and the other two said they'll come soon."

Minju gave Chaewon a thumbs up, both of them startling as the doorbell rang soon after.

"Ayyy angel and fairy, it's been a few months."

"A few months too little it seems."

The duck pouted from Chaewon's sarcastic remark, the younger girl laughing.

"I'm kidding Yena-unnie. Stop pouting, you look more like a duck then."

Minju chuckled as Yena gasped, Yuri struggling to keep a straight face, "I'd like to defend you as my girlfriend but Chaewon-unnie's not wrong."

"Ah yahhhh Yuriiii."

Chaewon and Minju stepped out of their home, the older of the two pulling Yena away by her collar to stop her from shaking her sister.

"You know how much I trust you for driving a motorcycle with Yuri right?"

"Ow- yeah I do."

"Unnie I'm literally n-"

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