CHAPTER 44 :: P2

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"You're not going to visit your parents?"

Eunbi glanced over to Hyewon, who was unpacking her things, "I'll visit them later, I want you to feel at home first."

The blonde girl chuckled, standing up to walk over to her girlfriend, "thanks unnie..."

The older of the two leaned back as Hyewon gave her a back hug and a peck on the cheek, "of course..."

"But I also didn't see them at graduation, didn't you say you had a pretty good relationship with them?"

Eunbi tilted her head back and forth, "eh, I wouldn't say it's the best but we all try... They both had work that day, they congratulated me through text though, telling me I should visit when I can."

Few people were born into a lineage of special quirks... Many were what the public called them, mutants, a disruption in their DNA making them have whatever ability they have. The majority of that group were unfortunate enough to have no support bubble, even in their own families... Like Hyewon and Yuri...

The older girl turned around in their hug, wrapping her arms around the blonde girl, "and they said they'd like to meet you too."


Eunbi winced, pulling away from the hug as she rubbed her ear, "yeah, we are living together now."

"B-but w-when?"

The older girl chuckled, ruffling Hyewon's hair, "that we'll decide on after we settle down here. And don't worry, even if they don't have quirks like us, they're still pretty nice. They're very loving, and I'm sure they will be to you too."

The blonde gazed at her desk, where she was setting up polaroids of her and her friends throughout her time at ENOZI.

Hyewon softly smiled, "yeah..."

~ ~ ~

"Flight to Tokyo, Japan leaving in fifteen minutes. Please begin to board if you are in group A."

Two high school girls that were waiting for their flight stood up, securing their bags on their backs and rolling their suitcases behind them.

"We're going home, Hii-chan."

The fluffy-cheeked girl chuckled, "I guess we have two homes, Nako-chan. Our families in Japan, and our friends in Korea."

The shorter girl nodded in agreement, thanking the worker who scanned her ticket, "yeah, and thank God we're sitting next to each other for the two hour flight."

Hitomi smiled as she wrapped an arm around Nako, "wouldn't have had it any other way..."

The two Japanese girls always went back to Japan after the school year finished, spending two and a half months with their families and old friends before flying back to Korea for the next year. This year would be no different, except for the fact that the two were now dating.

The girls sat down, softly conversing with each other and sharing airport-bought bread before the plane took off...

~ ~ ~

"Hi eomma."

Minju pressed her phone to her ear, hearing her mother's voice on the other end.

"Hello Minju-yah, I'll be there in ten minutes. There was a bit of traffic."

"It's okay eomma... Actually, a couple of my friends just told me they need a ride home too, is that okay?"

"Where do they live?"

"Seoul, around twenty minutes from us."

One of the taller girls muttered to Minju, the angel nodding and speaking to the phone again, "and they live two houses apart from each other."

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