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Yujin put her phone back in her pocket, glancing up to see Wonyoung at her desk, writing down notes while listening to music

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Yujin put her phone back in her pocket, glancing up to see Wonyoung at her desk, writing down notes while listening to music.


"Yes unnie?"

The younger girl pulled out an earbud, glancing back at the puppy.

"Are you free?"


"Nako and Hitomi want to hang out with us."

"And you tell me this now?"

Yujin shrugged, "they asked last night and you were already asleep."

Wonyoung sighed, turning back to her notebook, "sorry, maybe next time. I'm studying."

"Whatttt. You don't even have a test coming up!"

"It's better to study earlier."

Yujin went up to her desk, "aw come on Wonyoung, it'll be fun~"

"Still no, tell them I said sorry."

Yujin held the hand that Wonyoung was writing with, and the bunny looked up at the girl.

Bad idea... Meeting her eyes.


Wonyoung's frown slowly became an adorable smile, "yes Yujin-unnie?"

Yujin gave a pout, "let's hang out with Hitomi and Nako-unnie today, please~? They really want you to come as well..."

The younger girl awed, "I can't say no to that face... Let me get ready."

The puppy smiled, "okay!"

Wonyoung quickly got dressed, and as she came out of the closet, Yujin blushed from the girl's cute outfit. Wonyoung didn't ask why she was flustered all of a sudden because she was still in her "Yujin-trance", which the puppy was relieved for.


Wonyoung nodded as she grabbed her phone, "ready."

The puppy held the bunny's hand, the two smiling at each other as they walked out, down the hallway. The girls spotted their friends, waving at the Japanese students.

"Tomi! Nako-unnie!"

The older girls turned around, grinning as they saw the two maknaes jog towards them.

"Hi Yujin, Wonyo!"


They glanced over to the youngest girl, seeing her grin widely as she clung onto Yujin's arm.

Nako glanced over to Yujin, "did you..."

"Well~ She was busy 'studying'."

Wonyoung nuzzled her head on Yujin's, making the older girl's heart flutter.

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