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A tall bunny groaned as her eyes fluttered open, her body sore from the hard floor she laid on. She then froze, trying to figure out where she was when she noticed a familiar puppy leaning against one of the stone walls.

Wonyoung sat up, "Yujin-unnie?"

The said girl glanced over, "you're awake."

Wonyoung stood up, looking around the concrete room she was in, "where are we?"

Yujin shrugged as she began to walk over, "dunno."


The younger girl stared at her friend, "wait... unnie?"


'Hold on...'

Wonyoung squinted, her eyes widening as she took a step back, "you're not Yujin."

The girl tilted her head, "yes I am?"

The bunny shook her head, "n-no you're not. Yujin doesn't act like that towards me."

Yujin narrowed her eyes which frightened the young girl, "Wonyoung, you must be tired... Maybe you need a little more rest."

Wonyoung backed away, "s-stay away from me."

Her eyes widened as Yujin tried to throw a punch at her, cowering down while locking eyes with the imposter in hopes to freeze her.

The girl gasped, her fist limply falling to her side as the other clutched her heart, "W-Won...young..."

The younger girl was shocked that her ability didn't work on whoever this was, her mouth parted into a "O".

"H-how c-could... y-you..."

But the way this girl was talking...

Wonyoung grew nervous, "w-what?"

Yujin weakly tried to smile as she staggered in her steps, "i-it... really is... me... Y-your... puppy..."

"W-wait... Y-Yujin-unnie?"

"I-I... trusted... you..."


Wonyoung held the girl steady as she fell to her knees, panting heavily.

"W-what's going on?"

"S-stop... y-your... a-ability... now..."

"My ability isn't working though?"

Yujin winced, her eyes unfocusing slightly, "y-yes it... is... P-Please... stop... m-my h-heart... hurts..."

Her weak statement shook Wonyoung out of her confusion as she firmly cupped Yujin's face, gazing into her eyes.

"S-stop... it..."

The bunny bit at her lip in worry, trying to concentrate, "I-I'm trying!"


Wonyoung gasped in surprise as she fell to the floor with a dull thud, "Yujin-unnie?"


The girl shook her friend, "Y-Yujin?"


Wonyoung felt her heart break into a thousand pieces from the silence, tearing up as she felt her friend's cold hand.


But what happened next made her stop her tears, Yujin disappeared into thin air, leaving the girl all alone in the cell...

Wonyoung looked around in shock, "h-huh?"

"You killed me!"

Wonyoung jumped back in fear as a ghost-like figure in the form of her best friend screamed at her, appearing in front of the frightened girl.

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