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Yena gasped, noticing her sibling on Yuri's bed.


The said girl jumped from her name suddenly being yelled out and turned around, "yeah? What's wrong Yena-unnie?"

The duck grabbed the duck plushie beside Yuri's pillow, "this is my brother!"

"She's a girl."

"This is my sister!"

Yuri giggled at the older girl's playfulness as Yena put the round plush on her shoulder.

"Which one's cuter?"

Yuri teasingly acted as if she was thinking hard, putting her finger to her chin. Yena might be able to see her emotions, but she couldn't see what she was thinking.

"Hmmmm, her."

Yena pouted as Yuri pointed to the doll, putting the doll away, "whatttt?"

That ducky pout made Yuri's heart do flips and turns and other things it shouldn't do. The hamster grinned, quickly wrapping her arms around the taller girl's neck.

"Just kidding~ Of course you're the cutest."

Yena's eyes widened, did she hear Yuri correctly? Not only did she change her mind to call her cute, but the cutest???

Yena returned the hug, unable to process if her rapidly increasing heartbeat was because of what she felt or what Yuri felt.


Maybe it was both...


Knock Knock Knock...

The two girls pulled away, and Yuri went to open the door.


The second-year student's sister smiled from out in the hall, holding her duffel bag and also a... guitar bag?

"Hey, Yuri-yah."

Yena put her hands on Yuri's shoulder, tippy-toeing to see over Yuri's head.

"Huh- Yena-unnie?"

Yena waved, "hello~"

Yuri let Chaewon inside, the middle of the three glancing back and forth between the youngest and oldest.

"I didn't know you stayed at school?"

Yena shrugged, "I just wanted to. Don't worry Chaewon-ah, I took good care of your dongsaeng during the break."

Chaewon smiled, "thanks, Yena-unnie."

Yena gazed at the two sisters, nodding to herself before walking away, "I'll be in our dorm okay?"

"Bye Yena-unnie~"

"Oh wait- let me bring that as well."


Yena pointed to Chaewon's luggage, "your bags?"

"Oh no it's fine, I'll bring it when I-"

"I insist."

Chaewon sighed, handing Yena the duffel bag, "thanks unnie."


Yena pointed to the guitar case but Chaewon shook her head, "not mine, Yuri's."

Yena stared at Yuri with an open mouth, "you can play guitar???"

Yuri stared at Chaewon, "why'd you bring my guitar?"

"Because you always said you regretted not bringing it to school? And you said you'd bring it after you came back but you forgot it so I brought it with me."

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