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'It's been a week...'

'A week since I've heard your voice...'

'Since I've heard your laugh...'

'Since I've seen your smile...'

'Since I've looked into your eyes...'


"Why won't you wake up?"

Wonyoung slumped into the chair next to Yujin's infirmary bed, putting her head in her hands.

A lot of their friends didn't visit often since finals were right around the corner, they'd try to come on the weekends when they were free, but studies got the best of them, especially the older girls.

Of course, Wonyoung had finals to worry about too, but she chose to stay by Yujin's side for the most of afterschool until curfew, visiting her every morning as well, in hopes that she'd wake up.

She'd be fine...

Yujin was more important anyways.

Her friends who shared classes with her would help her out whenever she did join them in their study sessions, giving her as much time as she needed, the ones in higher years lending a hand here and there if they had that same class in the past.

Dark circles rimmed Wonyoung's eyes, her hair was always in a messy bun or low ponytail, a frown constantly etched on her face.

Every day Yujin wouldn't wake up, she got worse.

She was losing hope, what if Yujin would be in a coma forever?

What if Yujin couldn't keep her promise in saying she'd never leave Wonyoung?

What if Yujin gets sent to the city hospital? Wonyoung would see her less often then...

No one could help the girl... No one's ability was able to wake her up.


'Why did it have to be Yujin?'

Their memories from childhood always flashed in Wonyoung's mind like a movie. Those memories kept her awake at night, even the happy ones filled with laughter made her sad...


She held one of Yujin's hands, once again leaning her head on her arms on the railing.

'I'm so tired...'









A finger on Yujin's other hand twitched, Wonyoung oblivious to the movement since her eyes were closed.




Wonyoung opened her eyes, pulling her head away from the metal railing as she felt Yujin's hand that she held move ever so slightly.


The hand that once laid limp in Wonyoung's grasp slowly curled its fingers, weakly returning the hold.

The bunny's heartbeat quickened as she felt the gesture, standing up as her eyes swept towards Yujin's face. Her expression brightened as the puppy's eyes fluttered open, squinting from the sunlight that shone throughout the room.

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